Девятый круг. Одиссея диссидента в психиатрическом ГУЛАГе. Виктор Давыдов
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Указ оставался секретным вплоть до самой перестройки, когда он был отменен Горбачевым.
Горький М. «Мать».
Подобная схема распространения запрещенной литературы действовала в разных точках страны. В Черновцах Иосиф Зисельс организовал еще более масштабное издательское предприятие самиздата.
…While you typed, you smoked
furiously, trying to stay awake, trying not
to make too many errors. When you finished,
you delivered your copies to someone who took
the different chapters, that had been prepared
by your fellow conspirators, and assembled them
into five complete copies of the contraband book,
and passed these on to still others.
In this way
translations of Karl Popper and Mikhail Bulgakov
and Solzhenitsyn and Pasternak and Akhmatova.
were given to persons who wished to read them,
persons you might never meet and never know.
Sometimes your own group got together secretly,
to smoke and drink red wine, and listen
while someone read aloud from the book all of you,
working together, had just produced…
Jared Carter, Samizdat, from Seven Poems, Archipelago, vol. 10–12, http://www.archipelago.org/vol10–12/carter.htm