King's Applied Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis of Domestic Mammals. Geoff Skerritt
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
5 Foreword
6 Preface
10 About the Companion Website
11 1 The Boundaries of the Abdomen 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Diaphragm (Figure 8.3) 1.3 The Layers of the Abdominal Wall 1.4 The Sheath of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle (Figures 1.10a–c) 1.5 Clinical Importance of the Ventral Body Wall 1.6 The Inguinal Canal (Figures 1.11 and 1.12) 1.7 Hernias
12 2 Gastrointestinal Function 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Functions of the Alimentary Tract 2.3 Regions of the Alimentary Tract (Figure 2.1) 2.4 Clinical Conditions Affecting Gastrointestinal Function
13 3 The Mesenteries, Ligaments and Omenta 3.1 The Greater Omentum (Figure 3.1) 3.2 The Clinical Significance of the Greater Omentum 3.3 The Lesser Omentum 3.4 Ligaments
14 4 The Stomach (Figures 4.1–4.4) 4.1 Overview of the Mammalian Stomach 4.2 Species Variations 4.3 Clinical Conditions
15 5 The Small Intestines 5.1 Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum 5.2 Species Variations 5.3 Clinical Conditions
16 6 The Large Intestine 6.1 Overview 6.2 Species Variations 6.3 Clinical Conditions
17 7 The Liver and Pancreas 7.1 The Liver (Figure 7.1) 7.2 Anatomy of the Liver 7.3 Histology of the Liver 7.4 The Gall Bladder 7.5 Species Variations 7.6 The Pancreas 7.7 Clinical Conditions of the Liver and Pancreas
18 8 Arteries of the Abdomen and Pelvis (Figures 8.1–8.3) 8.1 The Branches of the Abdominal Aorta 8.2 Species Variations
19 9 Veins of the Abdomen and Pelvis (Figure 9.1) 9.1 Tributaries of the Caudal Vena Cava 9.2 The Hepatic Portal Vein 9.3 The Mammary Glands
20 10 Lymphatics and the Spleen 10.1 The Lymphatic System (Figure 10.1) 10.2 The Spleen 10.3 Species Variations 10.4 Clinical Conditions Affecting the Lymphatic System
11 The Nerves of the Abdomen and Pelvis
11.1 General Somatic Afferent Neurons
11.2 General Visceral Afferent Neurons
11.3 General Somatic Efferent Neurons
11.4 General Visceral Efferent Neurons
11.5 Clinical Conditions