Collection of mysticism. + author’s biography including essays about books. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Collection of mysticism. + author’s biography including essays about books - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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why he’s gone. His soul was taken away. In addition, the morgue said it was a stroke. It is not a stroke. This is different.

      The friends stood in silence. – They could not say otherwise. It is a stroke. He just suffered a lot. I was freezing too much, and now. He also had a constant headache from nervous overexertion.

      – Yes, I remember that too. I could not stand it and asked Vladimir, «How did you end up in the hospital at that time?» In this room? In addition, what really happened?

      – I stayed to protect him, but I went out, and the nurse came in and he was already lying dead. It is a stroke.

      – Something does not add up.

      – Stop talking about it. I need to bury my brother. And to honor his memory.

      – There is already a ready-made grave in the cemetery. When we were busy for an unnamed grave, and found out about its outcome, we also made a fuss. There is already a ready-made grave; it is next to the nameless one.

      – Wow, what a coincidence. Vova sat in silence and did not delve into the conversation. The friends who came drilled him with their eyes. The sister did not understand what the matter was. – We have to go. We need to take the body from the morgue and bury it.

      – Rely on us. We will arrange everything. We will not abandon you. One of her friends took her by the arm and led her. We all set off together.

      – Oh, my little brother, he could not fly away. What a sad fate he has.

      – Yes, to buy a ticket three times and not fly out, it is really fate. If he had not run away that night, then maybe nothing would have happened.

      – Who knows? Maybe it is really fate. We all fell silent and reached the morgue.

      – Vova, will you go with us to the end, or will you leave us?

      – I will leave you later. Now I will go to the end.

      – How can I find you? I want to hear his whole story. I do not know everything.

      – You do not know only the latest events. I will find you and tell you everything I know. One of my friends was looking at me from under his forehead, and he almost attacked me with his fists I gave no sign, and stood aside. I did not like this story myself, but I could not change anything about it.

      The body was taken out of the morgue and taken to the funeral service in the house of God. There was a deathly silence at the funeral service, Vova, for some reason of his own, did not enter the temple. -«My God, what’s wrong with his face?» He was cut with a knife?

      – We do not know. Only he knows about it. And pointed in the direction of Vova. – What about the nameless grave now? Only your brother knew the full details of the deceased. He communicated with him in the kingdom of darkness. The sister was tearful and did not really understand what she was talking about.

      – It is too early for her to think about it now. Do not touch her.

      – No, you are wrong. This passage needs to be closed urgently. If we had done it earlier, it would have been better.

      – «They’re right. We need to make an effort and do it right. Vladimir listened to the conversation and stood with a dissatisfied look. Why does my brother look so awful? He is like an elderly battered wanderer. His face and hands took on the same appearance as on the first day in the hospital. His hair was gray. His sister could not understand why, and I could not tell her. – I will not leave here until I erect a monument to my brother.

      – You need to get out of here. A friend blurted out. You have small children. Think about them. She will clean you up, too, and we will do everything ourselves. Do not worry. Friends stood up for their sister. I was standing on the sidelines. The sister hesitated. She understood the problem.

      – «You’re right. But I have nothing to do with it. She must not touch me.

      – We do not know. Therefore, it is better not to take risks. Alternatively, do it in the summer. The nurse sighed heavily.

      – I have a feeling that this grave was dug for my brother a long time ago.

      – We have the same feeling. But we don’t know. We have not seen her. So many times, they came here, put up a fence. She definitely wasn’t there.

      – That’s weird.

      – «You’re right. But I have nothing to do with it. She must not touch me.

      – We do not know. Therefore, it is better not to take risks. On the other hand, do it in the summer. The nurse sighed heavily.

      – I have a feeling that this grave was dug for my brother a long time ago.

      – We have the same feeling. But we don’t know. We have not seen her. So many times, they came here, put up a fence. She definitely wasn’t there.

      – That’s weird.

      – And now what? Will this passage remain open? My brother told me so much about him. I know the danger of this grave. And who will be next? Me? Or one of you? Vladimir stood silently and listened to the dialogue.

      – In the course of this question concerns only the three of us. The sister looked at us questioningly. She guessed something, but did not show it. The funeral was over, and we left the cemetery for a memorial lunch in a cafe.

      There was a deathly silence at the table, no one dared to break the silence. The sister sat in silence and stared at one point. Victor’s friend and I looked at each other with hateful eyes. I understood his condition, and did not dare to resist his emotions.

      – What a ridiculous death my brother has. For what? The sister came out to talk on the phone. The three of us stayed together and broke the silence.

      – Tell me how it was.

      – She took it. He committed an unforgivable act by touching her. This could not be done in any case. Friends were peacefully silent, and I was waiting for the next question.

      – And who are you?

      – «You don’t want to know.

      – You had better answer it.

      – «You can’t do anything to me. I am already dead. I am a resident of Navi. I am immortal. I have moved into this beautiful body and will leave this terrible city. With these words, I got up and left the table.

      My sister stayed with Victor’s friends. – When do you plan to leave?

      – I do not know. Her voice was gone and she did not have the strength to speak. – Tomorrow it is necessary to go to the cemetery, and then fly.

      – It can be done in one day, departure in the evening.

      – I want to stay here a little longer.

      – It does not make sense. You need to fly. It is dangerous to stay here. Moreover, that grave is not safe.

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