Manual of Equine Nutrition and Feeding Management. Carol Z. Buckhout
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
7 Laboratory 1: THE EQUINE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Introduction: Objectives: Question for further discussion: General overview: A. Primary organs of digestion: The upper digestive tract B. Primary organs of digestion: The lower digestive tract C. Secondary organs of digestion For additional information: YouTube videos: References:
8 Laboratory 2: PLANT IDENTIFICATION Introduction: Objectives: Questions for further discussion: A. Grasses B. Legumes A. Nuisance plants: these are not poisonous to the horse, but they do not supply proper nutritional value B. Feed and bedding conditions that are harmful to horses C. Poisonous plants: These will cause some sort of external or internal damage to the horse, affecting its health and, in some cases, even causing death For additional information: Helpful websites/links on toxic plants: References:
9 Laboratory 3: FORAGE 1: PASTURE Introduction: Objectives: Questions for further discussion: General overview: Pastures for horses References:
10 Laboratory 4: FORAGE 2: HAY FOR HORSES Introduction: Objectives: Questions for further discussion: Hay For additional information: References:
11 Laboratory 5: CONCENTRATES FOR HORSES Introduction: Objectives: Questions for further discussion: General overview A. Definition B. Characteristics C. Classification D. Processed concentrate feeds E. Feeding grain to horses: suggestions and rules of thumb References: