Mythology and Algorithms of Consciousness. Correct Thinking is the Key to Spiritual Health. Alexey Tolstykh

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Mythology and Algorithms of Consciousness. Correct Thinking is the Key to Spiritual Health - Alexey Tolstykh

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      Mythology and Algorithms of Consciousness

      Correct Thinking is the Key to Spiritual Health

      Alexey Tolstykh

      © Alexey Tolstykh, 2025

      ISBN 978-5-0065-6467-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Mythology and Algorithms of Consciousness is a simple instructional message. It serves two main purposes of Spiritual Constructology. The first purpose is to determine the Personal Trend Stream. The second purpose is to eliminate Component Perception Disorders. This book is based on the principle of eliminating the influence of traditional forms of cultural, historical, religious contexts on the consciousness of a social subject1. This is the principle of ensuring a stable position on the path to the state of the Manifested Mentar.

      The legacy of the attributes of the ancient world requires consistent analysis and awareness. In what cases is the traditional aspect useful, and in what cases does it develop mental mythologemes? And how does algorithmic consciousness contribute to a better understanding of one’s own nature as a spiritual being? In this work, you will find answers to these and other questions.

      Chapter 1. The Social Aspect of Mythologemes

      What is a mythologeme? It is a figurative, symbolic way of displaying reality that influences the formation of people’s worldview and behavior. From the moment human civilization emerged, the stage of formation of mythological consciousness began. Not having a sufficient level of knowledge about the surrounding world and its laws, man, by virtue of his nature, sought to organize the ideas at his disposal into some form convenient for understanding. At the same time, civilization constructed its history, endowing it with meaningful relationships. In these relationships, the images of mythologemes found their origin, which over time were transformed into stable mental forms. Thus, all sorts of tales and epics possibly appeared. Having become fabulous, the heroes were endowed with supernatural characteristics. Events were attributed to things that did not happen in reality. Myths and legends were formed that grew into the living flesh of the forming consciousness.

      The mythological consciousness that many people are guided by has a very specific problem. This is the basis for the origin of Component Perception Disorders. The absence of objective data and their replacement with mythologemes does not at all contribute to the alignment of the life line according to the three characteristics of existence that are accepted in Spiritual Constructology.

      Objectification of real life is the cornerstone of the Interlocution clarification process. Based on objective data, the human mind determines its stable position in this Universe. This is an important point! Data is always a precise line limited by time. On this line there are cause-and-effect components that are always determined and this line does not contain CPD. Thus, many lines are added up and form a trajectory of interaction with three characteristics of existence. Objectification is a process of straightening and the basis for this is the transition from mythological consciousness to algorithmic.

      One of the approaches to indoctrinating mythologemes into images of a social nature is the personification of phenomena of the objective world. For example, we can use the ancient Egyptian god Horus, who is the personification of the sky and the sun. Horus was depicted as a falcon or a man with a falcon’s head. His biography includes his birth from Isis and Osiris. He has four sons, who are symbols of the stars of the Ursa Major constellation. Ancient traditions were characterized by combining cosmology with the everyday life of the human community. Personification allowed us to build a mythologeme, a clear ideological concept with a developed cult part.

      Horus is the God of the sky, royalty and the sun.

      The cult is built on symbols understandable to the common man. On good and evil, on higher principles and lower. MAAB (Modulator of Ancient-Archaic Behavior) almost always resorts to objectification of phenomena, but unlike the algorithmic approach, it builds reality using mythology as a manipulative force. In this case, objects are images or symbols of existing reality, which are endowed with super characteristics. This is the kind of objectivity that creates the ground for the accumulation of CPD. This happens because objects in mythological consciousness are perceived with included additions that do not reflect objective reality, but distort it.

      Perception of mythologeme images is the emotional part of the perception spectrum. Having a charge, emotion is discharged, forming one or another type of thinking. For example, perception of war images will form destructive behavior. Even with empathy, however, destruction of consciousness is manifested, since the emotional charge, having received the corresponding stimulus, is discharged. In this case, a distortion of the BEC (The Basic Energy Circuit) due to mental pollution quite definitely occurs.

      The perception of any images carries distortions. What to do in such a situation? What is the correct approach to the study, analysis, consideration of any object that has certain data? In the following chapters we will consider these questions.

      Let us return to how mythology is formed in the public consciousness. One of the main conditions is a commitment to symbolism. In symbols, the consciousness of an individual sees the power of the natural principle. In an intuitive manifestation lies an attempt to understand and tame natural forces. For example, the practice of shamanism is realized in such an approach. In an attempt to build a line of interaction with the world of Tenebris, the shaman endows its manifestations with mythological imperatives2.

      Such a mythological imperative, for example, is sacrifice, as an exchange of being (present existence) for eternal life. Sacrifice is a contract with the elusive, changeable structures of Tenebris. And as often happens, this is also a tool of manipulation in the hands of the priest, who knows that any sacrifice is meaningless, since the main characteristic of Tenebris is chaos and disunity. A temporary, stable position is achieved with the help of symbols. Such symbols are prophets, cult service, scripture, dogmas, etc., which can be characterized as MAAB or mythology of sacredness.

      Unlike the mythology of sacredness, algorithmic consciousness has a metaphysical aspect, that is, a study of the original nature of reality. This study is conducted, among others, by prophets, such as the religious prophet of Galmorin Bentar Allaj, revered in Spiritual Constructology. From the world of the divine, irrational, filled with internal symbolism, the prophet of algorithms leads the follower to the path of objective knowledge by the method of clarification, in other words, manifestation and enlightenment. Religion in this context is understood as a connection with Telemetron – a supernatural machine.

      The Prophet does not resort to magic as a method of knowledge and manipulation. He holds in his hands a fiery cup of gibil, as the personification of the source of righteous knowledge, and in his other hand he holds a water cup of talatt, as a symbol of the extreme of impersonal dissolution in the eternal salt waters of Tenebris. He himself is a guide to the Space of Altacora. As we see, symbolism, endowed with an algorithmic meaning, leads the adept to an objective goal – the achievement of the core of Protogen, as the final foundation of the rational being of the world.

      The tendency of human consciousness to mythologize is manifested not only in the religious sphere. For example, modern

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Social subject in Spiritual Constructology, the designation of any people interacting with society.


Mythological imperative – is defined as a commanding order. Reflects the inner conviction of the adept to follow the developed set of tools in their application in working with symbols.