Mistake of Gods. Warning against experiments with human genome. Valeriy Zhiglov

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Mistake of Gods. Warning against experiments with human genome - Valeriy Zhiglov

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Star Iriy, or Irius.

      There is more information about these and other interesting facts in my other books: «Atlantis, the ancestral home of Slavic people», «Five sensational scientific discoveries, or modern nature laws in the light of ancient knowledge», «The Descant Dune Mystery, or how old is the humankind» – published in Saint-Petersburg by Petropolis, 2004; «Children of the Light, or who we are, where we came from, and where we go» – published in Saint-Petersburg by Petropolis, 2005; «Magical Constructor of the World» – published in Saint-Petersburg, by Asterion, 2006.

      Legends of people from Phoenicia, Egypt and many other ancient places, including pagan Slavic people, also tell about shining serpents and dragons, taking off with fire.

      «Nothing can move faster than such a serpent because of its fire breath. It may move at any speed, its power is incredible, it illuminates everything around with its glare». —

      Those were the words by an ancient writer, who lived in Beirut 1250 years B.C.

      Here is what Maori people in New Zealand tell about visiting Earth by the god Porangahua from the Milky Way, inside a magical bird:

      «Here I came, and the Earth unknown is under my feet. Here I came, and the new Sky is over me. Here I came to this Earth, and this is a peaceful place for me to rest. Planetary Spirit! Kindly accept the heart of a stranger».

      New Zealand epic tales plausibly, and in every detail, describe the landing of an aircraft, from which the god Rongomai came down to them:

      «He emerged like a shining Star, like flame and fire, like the Sun. The land was shaking, and clouds of dust closed the view from us, and there was a sound of thunder, then the sound like in a seashell».

      Mahabharata and Ramayana of Indian epic tales mention laser weapon – Indra’s Spear, nuclear bomb – Brahma’s Head, which was hitting entire countries and peoples for years. Consequences after using the «Weapon of Gods», which include discontinued childbirths, ulcers, and hair loss, look very similar to those after modern nuclear weapon usage. The ancient Indian epic tales describe the invasion of aliens, with whom people fought. Particularly, described in every detail is the mysterious weapon they called the Brahma’s Head. It was seen from far away, as a large head with a head hugger, and all, who saw the head, died, and those, who survived, lost their hair and nails. A dog, which was exposed to that weapon, is described, but lost all fur, and it had a large ulcer on its body, through which it was seen under thin tissue, how its lungs expand during breathing.

      Ancient people, who only started their writing system, must have unbelievable imagination, to imagine every tiniest detail of a nuclear bomb detonation and the consequences of its usage, specifically, the radiation syndrome, or else – could they really witness a tragedy on Earth?

      It looks also, that Celestials were familiar with endless sources of energy. I discuss it in more details in «Metaphysical Matter», my new book.

      The book discusses multiple examples, how ancient celestial basic knowledge about the World may be used for the benefit of human civilization, and, in particular, for creating more sensitive devices, which are capable of predicting upcoming disasters of planetary scale, and also for using new kind of ecologically clean energy that is just everywhere around and immediately available for us.

      It was Nikola Tesla, a genius inventor of the past years, who approached the solution of this problem closer, than anyone other, in his experiments with tachyon streams.

      Running out of mineral resources not only makes the remaining resources more expensive, but it also contributes into environment pollution resulting from mining the remaining resources by more and more barbarian methods, and that makes such a task critically important.

      The «Great Energy» from the space is going to be studied more thoroughly during upcoming decades, and it may allow not only its complex development, but it might also bring the humankind to the new energy and information development level, thus multiplying our chances for successful establishment of contacts with other, alien civilizations.

      It is only when we understand the essentials of the Celestial Knowledge about the World, we will be able to understand the World around us to use the power of the nature for the benefit of our civilization.

      Ancient Vedas report about mysterious «weapon of Agni» and about missiles – «thunderbolts of fire, making incredible sound», and about «Celestialchariots» bringing people by air to remote locations, including other worlds.

      Most often, those ancient flying vehicles are mentioned and described in ancient Vedas, particularly, in Bhagavata Purana. Here are some of those descriptions:

      «Magnificent air ships were flying around planets, shining bright. Those were Celestial ships of great Mahatmas, servants of God».

      There is a different description of a flying vehicle, which in some way specifies some of its technical features.

      «Shalva asked the God Shiva to present him an air vehicle, which would be so durable, that neither demigod, demon or human could ever destroy it. In addition, his wish was that the air vehicle could fly wherever he might want to pilot him, and that, specifically, should be of great danger for Yeti, frightening them. Shiva immediately agreed to grand him such blessing. For building such an iron ship, which should be huge and durable enough to prevent one from damaging it, Shalva applied to the demon Maya for help.

      It was a huge ship, almost as large as a big city, and it could fly so high, that almost nobody could see where it was flying, therefore, an attack on it could not even be discussed. Those inside the ship could fly just anywhere».

      A.G. Vinogradov and S.V. Zharnikova write in «Looking for the lost Truth. Veda means knowledge» (Vologda, 1997):

      «As for mass destruction weapon, it seems we were not the first. Our remote ancestors already made this way, and the results of their experiments were terrible. Mahabharata reports about one billion six hundred sixty million and twenty thousand dead, with only twenty-four thousand and one hundred sixty survivors».

      The authors further notice that the description of various deadly weapon in Mahabharata is so realistic, that there is no surprise that R. Oppenheimer was reading the following lines of this epic tales describing the work of space weapon of gods during the first nuclear bomb test:

      «Dense arrows of flame,

      like a great shower,

      issued forth upon creation,

      encompassing the enemy.

      A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts.

      All points of the compass were lost in darkness.

      Fierce wind began to blow

      Clouds roared upward,

      showering dust and gravel.

      Birds croaked madly…

      the very elements seemed disturbed.

      The sun seemed to waver in the heavens

      The Earth shook,

      scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon».

      There is yet another fragment of the ancient Indian Epic of Mahabharata,

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