Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)». Александра Александровна Егурнова

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Тесты для самопроверки по учебному пособию «Upstream Advanced C1». Методические указания по курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения (английский язык)» - Александра Александровна Егурнова

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      Task 1. Choose the most suitable word to fill each space. (40 marks)

      1. The company’s …… was to increase productivity by employing more people.

      A decision

      B objective

      C resolution

      D desire

      2. When I studied, we had no such subject as Business ……

      A Morals

      B Values

      C Rights

      D Ethics

      3. After many deaths, the survivors longed for some medical ……..

      A breakthrough

      B revolution

      C novelty

      D innovation

      4. For the …… of finding an affluent husband, hiring a matchmaker is a wise move.

      A aim

      B purpose

      C object

      D intention

      5. If you didn’t get the job on the grounds of your social ……, you can resort to legal action.

      A past

      B history

      C background

      D being

      6. Alice couldn’t project a (n) …… image during the casting.

      A upbeat

      B optimistic

      C positive

      D cheerful

      7. Mark can play computer games on ….. that he does all the work about the house.

      A condition

      B term

      C rule

      D decree

      8. People used different things to tell the time as far …… as the 9th century BC.

      A behind

      B back

      C beyond

      D before

      9. Going to the pictures is a popular pastime among the …… and the old alike.

      A youth

      B teenagers

      C adolescents

      D young

      10. Peter couldn’t agree that Greg was really a valuable …… to their football team.

      A addition

      B accumulation

      C supplement

      D appendage

      11. Jill had the necessary competitive …… in order to be first past the post.

      A mind

      B soul

      C spirit

      D thought

      12. If the restaurant is not situated …… beside the river, I won’t go there.

      A exact

      B direct

      C precise

      D right

      13. Filing was a tedious task that …… almost 50% of Linda’s time at work.

      A covered

      B occupied

      C received

      D completed

      14. He thinks he’s fat just because there’s a wide …… of fast food to choose from.

      A degree

      B variance

      C scale

      D range

      15. ….. relatives usually don’t visit us at all.

      A Faraway

      B Remote

      C Distant

      D Slight

      16. That pop star is known for his toughness and …… in treating his assistants.

      A ruthlessness

      B cruelty

      C kindness

      D manipulation

      17. Claire was lucky to …… such a wonderful career opportunity.

      A clutch

      B follow

      C pull

      D seize

      18. Kate never cooks, she …… her boyfriend to do it for her.

      A makes

      B gets

      C lets

      D puts

      19. If the boss is not able to attend a meeting, he uses his right to …….

      A allot

      B entrust

      C assign

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