One of Cleopatra's Nights and Other Fantastic Romances. Gautier Théophile

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One of Cleopatra's Nights and Other Fantastic Romances - Gautier Théophile

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      Panegyris; pl., panegyreis, – from the Greek [], – signifies the meeting of a whole people to worship at a common sanctuary or participate in a national religious festival. The assemblies at the Olympic, Pythian, Nemean, or Isthmian games were in this sense panegyreis. See Smith's Dict. Antiq. – (Trans.)




Panegyris; pl., panegyreis, – from the Greek [], – signifies the meeting of a whole people to worship at a common sanctuary or participate in a national religious festival. The assemblies at the Olympic, Pythian, Nemean, or Isthmian games were in this sense panegyreis. See Smith's Dict. Antiq. – (Trans.)


Conculcatrice des peuples. From the Latin conculcare, to trample under foot: therefore, the epithet literally signifies the "Trampler of nations." (Trans.)


The Greeks and Romans usually termed such figures Hermæ or Termini. Caryatides were, strictly, entire figures of women. – (Trans.)


Does not this suggest the lines which DeQuincey so much admired? —

"A wilderness of building, sinking far,And self-withdrawn into a wondrous depthFar sinking into splendor, without end.Fabric it seemed of diamond, and of gold,With alabaster domes and silver spires,And blazing terrace upon terrace, highUplifted. Here serene pavilions bright,In avenues disposed; their towers begirtWith battlements that on their restless frontsBore stars."


John Martin, the English painter, whose creations were unparalleled in breadth and depth of composition. His pictures seem to have made a powerful impression upon the highly imaginative author of these Romances. There is something in these descriptions of antique architecture that suggests the influence of such pictured fantasies as Martin's "Seventh Plague;" "The Heavenly City;" and perhaps, especially, the famous "Pandemonium," with its infernal splendor, in Martin's illustrations to "Paradise Lost." – (Trans.)


Antique castanets. – (Trans.)


"La Morte Amoureuse."

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