On English Homophones. Bridges Robert
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egg, egg (to incite).
elder (tree), elder (senior).
air, heir, ere, e'er.
airship, heirship.
aery, airy.
earn, urn, erne (eagle).
alight (adj.), alight (v.).
ascent, assent.
foul, fowl.
fallow (untilled), fallow (colour).
fane, feign, fain.
faint, feint.
fast (eccl.), fast (adj. various).
fate, fête.
fell (fierce), fell (skin), fell (hill), fell (fr. fall).
fellow, felloe.
ferule, ferrule.
fair, fare [doublet], phare.
fir, fur.
feet, feat (s.), feat (adj. obs.).
filter, philtre.
fit (befit), fit (conflict), fytte [obs.].
flag (v.), flag (ensign), flag (plant), flag (-stone).
flee, flea.
flow, floe.
flock (herd), flock (of wool).
flue (chimney), flue (velu), flew (fr. fly).
fluke (fish), fluke (of anchor), fluke (slang word).
fold (wrap), fold (of sheep), foaled.
four, fore, for.
forego, forgo, and other compounds.
fourth, forth.
foil (s.), foil (v.), foil (fencer's).
fray (ravel), fray (combat).
fret (eat away), fret (adorn), fret (on lute).
freeze, frieze (archt.), frieze (cloth), frees (fr. free).
gamble, gambol,
gum (resin), gum (teeth).
gage, gauge,
gate, gait.
gird (encircle), gird (revile).
guild, gild.
guilt, gilt.
glare, glair (white of egg), + glary, glairy.
gore (pierce), gore (triangle), gore (blood).
groin, groyne (breakwater).
great, grate (s.), grate (v.).
heart, hart.
high, hie.
hide (v.), hide (skin), hied.
hack (hew), hack (hackney).
hamper (impede), hamper (hanaper).
hail! hail (snow), hale (adj.), hale (haul).
helm (of ship), helm (helmet).
hair, hare.
heel, heal, he'll.
here, hear.
hymn, him.
hole, whole, + holy, wholly, holey.
home, holm.
hoar, whore, haw.
hoard, horde,
hawk (bird), hawk (v. of hawker), hawk (hoquet).
hall, haul.
halt (v.), halt (adj.).
horse, hoarse.
hock (of horse), hock (wine).
hop (jump), hop (plant).
hue, hew.
humorous, humerus.
even (s.), even (adj.).
ear, ear (plough), ear (of corn).
yoke, yolk.
yew, ewe, you.
ure, ewer, your.
card (s.), card (v.).
cask, casque.
cast, caste.
cart, carte, quart (cards and fencing).
count (s.), count (v.).
counter (opp.), counter (of shop), counter (in games), &c.
couch (coucher), couch (grass).
caddy (lad), caddy (box).
can (s.), can (v.).
cannon, canon bis.
currant, current.
curry (food), curry (comb).
colonel, kernel.
cape (dress), cape (headland).
caper (skip), caper (plant).
case (event), case (receptacle).
cashier (s.), cashier (v.).
key, quay.
keen (adj.), keen (v.).
cue, queue.
climb, clime.
cleek, clique.
coal, cole.
cope (v.), cope (s.).