Doris Lessing Three-Book Edition: The Golden Notebook, The Grass is Singing, The Good Terrorist. Doris Lessing

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Doris Lessing Three-Book Edition: The Golden Notebook, The Grass is Singing, The Good Terrorist - Doris  Lessing

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      Doris Lessing

      Three-Book Edition

      The Grass is Singing

      The Golden Notebook The Good Terrorist



       Title Page

       The Grass is Singing

       The Golden Notebook

       The Good Terrorist

       About the Author

       By the Same Author


       About the Publisher

      Doris Lessing

      The Grass is Singing

      To Mrs GLADYS MAASDORP of Southern Rhodesia for whom I feel the greatest affection and admiration

      In this decayed hole among the mountains

      In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing

      Over the tumbled graves, about the chapel

      There is the empty chapel, only the wind’s home.

      It has no windows, and the door swings,

      Dry bones can harm no one.

      Only a cock stood on the rooftree

      Co co rico, co co rico

      In a flash of lightning. Then a damp gust

      Bringing rain


      Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves

      Waited for rain, while the black clouds

      Gathered far distant, over Himavant.

      The jungle crouched, humped in silence.

      Then spoke the thunder


      From The Waste Land by T. S. ELIOT with grateful acknowledgements to the author and to Messrs Faber & Faber

      ‘It is by the failures and misfits of a civilization that one can best judge its weaknesses.’




       Title Page





       By Special Correspondent

      Mary Turner, wife of Richard Turner, a farmer at Ngesi, was found murdered on the front verandah of their homestead yesterday morning. The houseboy, who has been arrested, has confessed to the crime. No motive has been discovered.

      It is thought he was in search of valuables.


      The newspaper did not say much. People all over the country must have glanced at the paragraph with its sensational heading and felt a little spurt of anger mingled with what was almost satisfaction, as if some belief had been confirmed, as if something had happened which could only have been expected. When natives steal, murder or rape, that is the feeling white people have.

      And then they turned the page to something else.

      But the people in ‘the district’ who knew the Turners, either by sight, or from gossiping about them for so many years, did not turn the page so quickly. Many must have snipped out the paragraph, put it among old letters, or between the pages of a book, keeping it perhaps as an omen or a warning, glancing at

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