An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore. Jacky Newcomb

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An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore - Jacky  Newcomb

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can ease a difficult situation and help us through the pain. They can bring along sympathetic people to help us achieve our goals and support us in times of difficulty. There is one important proviso: we have to ask our angels for their assistance. They need our permission to get involved in our lives. Of course, emergencies are different!


       ‘Angels do find us in our hour of need.’


       How can I give my angels permission to help me?

      Nothing complicated is needed here-just ask! You can ask by talking to your angels out loud, or you can ask in your head, write them a letter or use some other symbol of request. Nowadays it is easy to find those little ‘guardian angel pins’ or tokens and coins with the words ‘guardian angel’ printed on them. All of these act as requests for help. Every time we look at these little symbols we think of our angels and this strengthens the contact.


       ‘You don’t need a formal prayer or invocation to call the Angels to your side. Simply think, Angels, please surround me, and they are there.’


      If you like to be a little more creative in your approach, then the section on Communicating With Your Angels (page 281) may help you.

       What can I do to thank my angel?

      Prayer is very powerful indeed (in whatever form feels right for you), or you can just say a normal ‘thank you’ in the same way that you would thank any friend:


       ‘…angels, I would like to thank you for your assistance and support in my life and would like to invite you to continue to be at my side for all time…‘

      The angels’ greatest wish is that we love one another. There is no greater gift to the angels. Try practising random acts of kindness. Pass on loving energy to another human being.


       ‘And the Angel said, “I have learned that every man lives, not through care of himself, but by love.”’


       What is the purpose of the angel statues, pictures and things with angels on them?

      Angels appear in many different forms, but believe it or not, it does not matter to the angels how they appear in our symbolism of them. They are very attracted to the energy that surrounds anything which we use as a representation of an angel. The angels understand our intent and that is what is important.

      If the angel item is attractive to you then it will contain your own loving energy and meaning. Whatever item you buy or make is perfect for you. Many people feel that these images contain power in themselves, and I certainly believe that objects can hold energy imprints. Remember that these objects can act as a reminder of the angels’ love for us, but we do not ‘need’ them in order to work with angels or have their presence around us.

       Is it true that we all have our own guardian angel with us all the time?

      It is my understanding that we all have spiritual guides of some sort with us all of the time. Our guides act as teachers and friends on the other-side but with the knowledge and experience of being human that angels do not possess.


       ‘For every soul, there is a guardian watching it.’



      Some people (depending on our task and roles in life) have many angels with them all the time, and others have angels with them only when they are needed (or called for by ourselves or our guides). We can call upon angels at any time if we feel we need help, guidance or protection. Use any words that feel appropriate to you, and remember to say thank you after your request.


       ’…I would like to ask for the assistance/protection of angel [add angel name here] right now. I thank you for any help you are able to give me…’

       What do angels look like?

      Angels often appear in a way in which we expect to see them. Some people see angels as sparks or clouds of light or energy; some people see a traditional ‘Christmas Card’ angel, complete with wings and halos, and yet others see them more in human form. They can appear as very small figures or very large, tall and imposing visions – with their heads through the ceiling and their ‘feet’ through the floor!

      Usually visitations appear either in one’s ‘mind’s eye’ or just with a ‘knowing that they are there’. Angels can be sensed and heard, as well as seen.

       How do we know what angels look like?

      Well that’s a good question! Recordings of angel sightings appear as far back as documented text! We have literally thousands of descriptions of angels. There are many incidences of angel appearances in religious documents like the Bible and the Koran and even today, hundreds of people see and sense angels during times of stress and great need. Angels appear in such writings as the Books of Enoch, and their descriptions are very different to our current portrayals of them.

      Some angels stand as tall as the heavens; Archangel Metatron is covered with 365,000 eyes and 36 pairs of wings, and created as pure flame! When they visit the earth realm angels take on a different appearance and can show themselves to us in any way they wish.

       What is angel music?

      People often try to re-create the ‘sounds of the spheres’ (the musical sounds created by angels). The area in ‘heaven’ that produces the unbelievable angel music is believed to be over England – although people all over the world do hear angel music.

      Individuals lucky enough to hear ‘celestial sounds’ (orchestral harmonies produced as a communication of joy by the angels) say that it sounds like nothing that they have ever heard before. People hear angel music in answer to a request for healing, at times of danger, during moments of great joy and when loved ones are crossing over to the other-side. Sometimes this momentous and wondrous harmony is heard for no apparent reason at all!

      I have been blessed to hear this music myself-something I will remember for the rest of my life.


       ‘Music is well said to be the speech of angels.’




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