An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore. Jacky Newcomb

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An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore - Jacky  Newcomb

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voice of many angels numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand.’

      BIBLE, REV 5:1

       Are angels common to all religions?

      Yes, most religions recognize angels in one form or another. Not all religions call them angels, but they do recognize wise and loving beings of light who work with us from another plane of existence. The Hindus, for example, have devas (‘the shining ones’) who do a similar work to angels, and the Buddhist equivalent of an angel is also a diva, with their form described as spiritual beings with light emanations. They are recognized as enlightened beings. In Judaism, the ‘malachim’ are messengers of God.

       Do angels have halos?

      The halo appeared in the fourth century as an artistic development! In biblical times, angels were seen (or at least reported) on a more regular basis. Angels, as beings of pure light, are surrounded by a glow. This aura of light is what is believed to have been interpreted as a ‘halo’ in all the great renaissance angel paintings. So angels do not just have halos, they are halos!

       Do angels have relationships or partners?

      Angels do not have relationships in the way that we would understand. Their role is one of pure love and service to the divine. So their relationships are with God, rather than as we would think of relationships.

      Jesus was asked if a person had been married more than once, whom would they be with at the resurrection. Jesus explained that,


       ‘At the resurrection, men and women do not marry; they are like the angels in heaven.’

      MATTHEW 22:30


      Which would indicate this fact that relationships are not part of an angels specification.

       Are angels male or female?

      Angels are actually androgynous (having no sex), but are sometimes shown (or show themselves) as male or female to indicate traditional masculine or feminine tendencies such as gentleness or strength. The Bible for example shows Gabriel to be a female but the Moslems recognize a male Gabriel, ‘Jibril’, who dictated the Koran to the prophet Mohammed.

      Increasingly, I believe that this is unnecessary and angels will more and more show themselves with no sex. As we soften and merge the lines between the sexes, so the angels will take their clue from us.

       Do angels eat?

      There are many stories where angels have appeared as human and have pretended to eat in order to make us feel more comfortable, but they live on ‘the love of god’ and food as we know and understand it is not required for sustenance. There are references to angels and food however. Jesus was brought food and water by a helpful angel when he spent his forty days in the wilderness.

      ‘Manna’ is said to be the food of the angels – food given as a gift from the angels. Mann is a Hebrew word and translates as ‘what is this?’ The Israelites (during the Exodus) thought that they might starve to death, but God promised them food: ‘…there in the wilderness, fine flakes appeared, fine as hoar-frost on the ground. When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” because they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, “That is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat…”’ (Exodus 16:13-15).

      Metatron is the angel in charge of human sustenance.

       Do all angels have names?

      No, and they do not recognize the need for names at all. Angels are distinguished for their abilities and roles, and it is only the human need to name things which is the reason they have attracted names as we know and understand them.


       ‘Angels are spirits, but it is not because they are spirits that they are angels. They become angels when they are sent, for the name angel refers to their office, not their nature. You may ask the name of this nature, it is spirit; you ask its office, it is that of an angel, which is a messenger.’


       How do I find out the name of my angel?

      Angels have no problem with us using names, however, and are just happy to be noticed and utilized. We can call our angels anything at all – whatever feels right for us. If you prefer, you can ask for a name in meditation or just before going to sleep at night. Take the first name that comes to you.

       If angels exist, why can’t we see them more often?

      Angels’ roles are to work ‘behind the scenes’. Our dense atmosphere on the earth plane makes it difficult for them to manifest physically for any length of time – although they do make appearances occasionally in subtle ways.

      Angels also appear in dreams, and sometimes when we are ‘crossing over’ or during near-death experiences. It is during these times when our own consciousness has moved away from the earth plane (when we are asleep or unconscious) that angels can appear to us physically.

      The sudden visual appearance might frighten most of us, I’m sure. If you take a look at the majority of angel appearances in the Bible, those who came in contact with the celestial being were struck with terror!


       ‘The guardian Angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us.’


       Why do some people see colours when they see angels?

      Angels produce colour as part of their energy field, as beings of ‘white light’. White of course splits into all the colours of the rainbow. During near-death experiences, when people feel themselves leave the physical body, they sometimes see colours that do not exist on the physical plane (our sphere of existence).

      The colours that each angel shows make up part of their personality. Colour is also connected to sound and is an indication of a sound frequency.

       Can we ask for angels to help others?

      Yes we can, although our call will only be answered if it is for the highest good of that person, or with the consent of that person’s higher spirit or higher self.

      Angels long to be called into service, so it is always worth asking for help on behalf of another person, with the proviso ‘…with the will of God and the highest possible outcome for the progression of the spirit [of the individual concerned]’. Don’t worry if you forget. As

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