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brechu vb to vaccinate, to inoculate
bredych (-au, -ion) nm betrayal; fear; rascal
bref (-iadau) nf lowing; bleat; bray
breferad (-au) nm bellowing
brefiad (-au) nm lowing; bleating
brefu vb to low; to bleat; to bray
breg nm guile, blemish, breach ▶ adj fragile, faulty
bregliach vb to jabber
bregus adj frail, brittle, rickety
breichled (-au) nf bracelet
breichrwy, breichrwyf (-au) nmf bracelet
breindal nm royalty
breinio vb to privilege, to enfranchise
breiniol adj privileged, free
breinlen (-ni) nf charter
breintal nm bonus; royalty
breintiedig adj patented, patent
breintio vb to privilege, to favour
brenhinaidd adj kingly, regal
brenhindod nm royalty
brenhindref (-i) nf royal city
brenhindy (-dai) nm royal palace
brenhines (breninesau) nf queen
brenhinfainc nf throne
brenhiniaeth (breniniaethau) nf kingdom
brenhinllys nm basil
brenhinol adj royal, regal
brenin (-hinoedd) nm king
brest (-iau) nf breast, chest
bresych npl (nf -en) cabbages
brethyn (-nau) nm cloth
brethynnwr (-ynwyr) nm clothier; cloth-worker
breuan (-au) nf quern; print of butter
breuder nm brittleness, frailty
breuddwyd (-ion) nmf dream; breuddwyd gwrach wishful thinking
breuddwydio vb to dream
breuddwydiol adj dreaming, dreamy
breuddwydiwr (-wyr) nm dreamer
brëyr, brehyr (brehyrion, -iaid) nm nobleman, chief, baron
bri nm honour, renown, distinction
briallu npl (nf briallen) primroses
bribys npl fragments, scraps
bricsen nf brick
bricyllen nf apricot
brid nm breed
bridio vb to breed
brifo vb to hurt
brig (-au) nm top; (pl) twigs
brigâd (-au) nf brigade; brigâd dân fire-brigade
briger (-au) nm hair of head; top
brigo vb to top; to branch
brigog adj branching; flourishing
brigwyn adj white-topped, white-crested
brigyn (brigau) nm twig
brith (f braith) adj mottled, speckled
britho vb to mottle, to speckle; to dazzle
Brithwr (-wyr) nm Pict
brithyll (-od, -iaid) nm trout
briw adj broken, bruised, sore ▶ nm (-iau) wound, sore
briwfwyd nm crumbs, mince
briwgig nm mince
briwlaw nm drizzling rain
briwlio vb to broil
briwo vb to wound, to hurt
briwsion npl (nm -yn) crumbs, fragments
briwsioni vb to crumble
briwsionyn nm crumb
briwsyn (briwsion) nm crumb, morsel
bro (-ydd) nf land; region; vale
broch1 nm badger
broch2 nm froth, anger, tumult
brochi vb to chafe, to fume; to bluster
brochus adj