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(-ïau) nfm comedy

      comig adj comic, comical ▶ nm comic (paper)

      comin nm common

      comisiwn (-iynau) nm commission

      comisiynu vb to commission

      comiwnydd (-ion) nm communist

      comiwnyddiaeth nf communism

      comiwnyddol adj communist

      conach vb to grumble

      conclaf nm conclave

      concro vb to conquer

      concwerwr (-wyr) nm conqueror

      concwest (-au) nf conquest, victory

      condemniad nm condemnation

      condemnio vb to condemn

      confensiwn (-iynau) nm convention

      conffederasiwn (-asiynau) nm confederation

      conffirmasiwn nm confirmation

      conffirmio vb to confirm

      conifferaidd adj coniferous

      cono nm rascal; wag; old fogey

      consesiwn (-iynau) nm concession

      consol (-au) nm: consol gêmau games console

      consuriaeth nf conjuring

      consurio vb to conjure

      consuriwr (-wyr) nm conjurer

      conwydd npl (nf -en) coniferous trees

      cop, copyn (-nod, -nau) nm spider

      copa (-âu) nf top, crest; head

      copi (-ïau) nm copy; copy-book

      copïo vb to copy, to transcribe

      copïwr (-wyr) nm copyist, transcriber

      copr nm copper

      cor (-rod) nm dwarf (offensive); spider

      côr (corau) nm choir; stall, pew; côr-feistr choirmaster

      corachaidd adj dwarfish, stunted

      Corân nm Koran

      corawl adj choral

      corbwll (-byllau) nm whirlpool; puddle

      corcyn (cyrc) nm cork

      cord (-iau) nm cord; chord

      cordeddu vb to twist, to twine

      corddi vb to churn; to turn; to agitate

      corddiad (-au) nm churning

      corddwr (-wyr) nm churner

      Corea nf Korea

      cored (-au) nf weir, dam

      coreograffiaeth nf choreography

      corfan (-nau) nm metrical foot

      corff (cyrff) nm body

      corfflu (-oedd) nm corps

      corffol adj corpulent; physical

      corffolaeth nf bodily form; stature

      corfforaeth (-au) nf corporation

      corffori vb to embody, to incorporate

      corfforiad (-au) nm embodiment

      corfforol adj bodily, corporeal, corporal

      corgan (-au), côr-gân (côr-ganau) nf chant

      corganu vb to chant

      corgi (-gwn) nm cur, corgi

      corgimwch (-ychiaid) nm prawn

      corhwyad (-aid) nf teal; moorhen

      corlan (-nau) nf fold

      corlannu vb to fold

      corn (cyrn) nm horn; pipe, tube; roll; corn; stethoscope; corn gwddw(f), corn gwynt windpipe; corn siarad loudspeaker

      cornant (-nentydd) nm brook, rill

      cornboer nm phlegm

      cornchwiglen (-chwiglod) nf lapwing

      cornel (-i, -au) nfm corner

      cornelu vb to corner

      cornicyll (-od) nm lapwing, plover, peewit

      cornio vb to horn, to butt; to examine with a stethoscope

      corniog adj horned


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