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crasiad nm baking
craslyd adj harsh, grating
craster nm dryness; harshness
crasu vb to parch, to scorch; to bake
crau1 (creuau) nm hole, eye, socket
crau2 nmf blood, gore
crau3 (creuau) nm sty; stockade
crawcian, crawcio vb to croak, to caw
crawen (-nau) nf crust
crawn nm matter, pus
crawni vb to gather, to suppurate
crawnllyd adj purulent
cread nm creation
creadigaeth (-au) nf creation
creadigol adj creative
creadur (-iaid) nm creature; animal
creadures (-au) nf female creature
creawdwr (-wyr) nm creator
crebach adj shrunk, withered
crebachlyd adj crabbed, wrinkled
crebachu vb to shrink, to shrivel, to wrinkle, to pucker
crebwyll (-ion) nm invention, understanding, fancy
crecian vb to cluck; to crackle
crechwen nf loud laughter, guffaw
crechwenu vb to laugh loud, to guffaw
cred (-au) nf belief; trust; pledge, troth
credadun (credinwyr) nm believer
credadwy adj credible
crediniaeth nf belief
crediniol adj believing
credo (-au) nmf creed, belief
credu vb to believe
credwr (-wyr) nm believer
credyd (-on) nm credit
credydu vb to credit
cref adj f of cryf
crefu vb to crave, to beg, to implore
crefydd (-au) nf religion
crefydda vb to profess or practise religion
crefyddol adj religious, pious
crefyddolder nm religiousness, piety
crefyddwr (-wyr) nm religionist
crefft (-au) nf handicraft, trade; crefftau’r cartref DIY, do-it-yourself
crefftus adj skilled, workmanlike
crefftwaith nm craftwork
crefftwr (-wyr) nm craftsman
cregyn npl (nf cragen) shells
creider nm freshness
creifion npl scrapings
creigiog adj rocky
creigiwr (-wyr) nm quarryman
creigle (-oedd) nm rocky place
creinio vb to wallow, to lie or fall down; to cringe
creision npl flakes, crisps
creithio vb to scar
crempog (-au) nf pancake
crensio vb to grind (the teeth)
crepach adj numb ▶ nf numbness
crest nm crust, scurf
Creta nf Crete
creu vb to create
creulon adj cruel
creulondeb (-derau) nm cruelty
crëwr (crewyr) nm creator
crëyr (crehyrod) nm heron
cri1 (-au) nm cry, clamour
cri2 adj new, fresh, raw; unleavened
criafol, criafolen nf mountain ash
crib (-au) nfm comb, crest; ridge
cribddeilio vb to grab, to extort
cribddeiliwr (-wyr) nm extortioner; speculator
cribin (-iau) nfm rake; skinflint
cribinio vb to rake
cribo vb to comb; to card