The Village Nurse's Happy-Ever-After. Abigail Gordon
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The Village Nurse’s Happy-Ever-After
Abigail Gordon
Table of Contents
‘I’m so sorry about that,’ Harry said as he took Phoebe in his arms on the dance floor. ‘I’d forgotten just how much my aunt pries.’
‘Don’t be,’ she said. ‘She is only looking after your interests, protecting you from the husband-hunting part of the local community—clearly she thinks I might be one of them!’
‘And are you?’ he asked quizzically, with his good humour restored.
‘That’s for me to know and you to find out,’ she said laughingly—and, with the heady excitement of being dressed up and out for the evening with the man she could so easily fall in love with making her heart beat faster, she gave herself up to the moment…
Chapter One
PHOEBE HOWARD had moved into the apartment above The Tides Medical Practice, in the coastal Devon village of Bluebell Cove, on the first day of January. She’d looked around it sombrely and thought it was adequate in a basic sort of way—it would have to do.
Looking down at the toddler in her arms, she’d said, ‘It has one advantage, Marcus. Your mummy won’t have to travel far to work as she’s based right here. We have Ethan to thank for this—him, and your Aunt Katie and Uncle Rob, who took me in when I was a lost soul. They are the ones who’ve always been there for me and I will be forever grateful.
‘But now Ethan has found the happiness he so much deserves, and is going to live in Paris with his lovely family. At the same time Katie and Rob are moving up north to be near his elderly father, so it’s just you and me from now on, little one. Oh, and with a new head of the practice to get used to thrown in for good measure!’
That had been a couple of weeks ago and today Phoebe was at the airport, along with other folk from Bluebell Cove, to say goodbye to the Lomax family as they departed for their new life in France.
In her role as district nurse at the village surgery, she’d arranged her home visits to her patients to leave her free for this moment. Once she’d seen the aircraft take off, it would be time to pick Marcus up from the Tiny Toes Nursery where he was being cared for while she was working.
It had been a wrench, taking him there. They’d spent barely any time apart since the day of his birth. During the months of her maternity leave, she’d lived with her sister Katie and brother-in-law Rob in the bustling market town near Bluebell Cove. On the rare occasions when she’d left Marcus, they had cared for him as lovingly as she did herself, but all the time she’d known it couldn’t last. And even though she’d accepted that she had no choice, she still hated leaving him behind every day.
She knew she was fortunate, however, to have such a job. Her sister had seen the vacancy for district nurse in the nearby village of Bluebell Cove advertised on an NHS website. It had become reality from the moment that Ethan Lomax, the likeable head of the practice, had offered her the position. She’d worked there for the last few months of her pregnancy, until she’d started her maternity leave, staying with Katie and Rob.
But as they were moving up north to be near Rob’s father it had meant that she’d had to find somewhere else to live. When Ethan had suggested she rent one of the two apartments above the surgery at a nominal rate, she’d been only too eager to accept.
After the noise and bustle of London—and the hurt she’d received there, she was as happy as circumstances permitted in Bluebell Cove. It had seemed strange when she’d first moved there, but it hadn’t taken long for the peace and beauty of the place to charm her. She’d soon begun to feel a degree of contentment that she could never have expected so soon in her disrupted life. Now she no longer wept endlessly for what might have been. She was taking control of her life again as best she could, and if she had to hand Marcus over to others to be looked after while she was working, then that was how it would have to be.
As Phoebe watched, the Lomax family waved their last goodbyes and disappeared from sight. Soon the aircraft would be lifting off the runway, leaving yet another vacuum in her life. Suddenly holding back tears, Phoebe went to find her little car and drove off into the cold January afternoon.
At the end of the long flight from Australia, Harry Balfour gazed down sombrely on to the patchwork of towns, motorways and countryside that came into view as the pilot began the descent from the sky.
He was returning to the place of his birth, seeking solace and hoping to find it among the rolling green fields and magical coastline of Devon. It was where he’d always belonged, until five years ago when he’d met a feisty Australian girl. After a whirlwind romance, he’d married her and gone to live in her country with high hopes of happiness and job satisfaction.
The latter had been easy enough to find, but over recent months he’d been in a desolate kind of limbo, as if he didn’t belong anywhere or to anyone.