Everlasting Love. Valerie Hansen

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Everlasting Love - Valerie  Hansen

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      “You’ve had a comfortable life. Some of us weren’t so lucky.”

      Instead of revealing background information that was none of James Harris’s business, Megan merely said, “It’s not luck. It’s a choice. I look at life’s roadblocks as opportunities to triumph over adversity.”

      Her smile grew to a full-blown grin as her glance traveled from his booted feet to the top of his head. “And you, mister, are about as big a roadblock as I’ve ever had to overcome. The time we’re about to spend working together with the camp children and my animals should be very challenging.”

      “Now that we agree on.”


      was thirty when she awoke to the presence of the Lord in her life and turned to Jesus. In the years that followed she worked with young children, both in church and secular environments. She also raised a family of her own and played foster mother to a wide assortment of furred and feathered critters.

      Married to her high school sweetheart since age seventeen, she now lives in an old farmhouse she and her husband renovated with their own hands. She loves to hike the wooded hills behind the house and reflect on the marvelous turn her life has taken. Not only is she privileged to reside among the loving, accepting folks in the breathtakingly beautiful Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, she also gets to share her personal faith by telling the stories of her heart for Steeple Hill’s Love Inspired line.

      Everlasting Love

      Valerie Hansen

      Moreover, let us also be full of joy now! Let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patience and unswerving endurance.

      —Romans 5:3

      To Manda, whose trials have been many, especially lately, and who has all my love and prayers


      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen


      Letter to Reader

      Chapter One

      Megan White was annoyed with herself for feeling apprehensive. This was the chance of a lifetime. She should be ecstatic. Appreciative of all the blessings involved. Thrilled to have the opportunity to help her teenage sister, Roxanne, as well as the homeless kids they were about to meet. And she was glad. Really. She just needed to keep reminding herself to be thankful for everything, even her brooding companion.

      Sighing, she glanced over at Roxy. The fifteen-year-old had relaxed some since she’d picked her up at their mother’s house, but Megan could tell there was still a huge chip on the girl’s shoulder.

      “Hey, look at this great weather,” Megan said cheerfully. “We couldn’t ask for a prettier day.”

      Roxy merely grunted.

      “And the beautiful dogwood trees. Wow! Don’t you just love the Ozarks?”

      “I guess.”

      Megan paused a moment, then plunged ahead, following her heart. “Look, Roxy, I know this trip wasn’t your idea, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make the best of it. It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

      The girl’s head whipped around. Her expression was half stoicism, half vulnerability. “You don’t have to do this, Meg. All I want is to get away from Dad’s new wife and her snotty kid for a little while. I could stay with Mom if she’d take me back. How long do I have to pay for going to live with Dad? All my life?”

      “We can’t change the past, honey. I’m trying to make things better for you. So is Mom. It was hard on all of us when they got divorced.”

      “Yeah, but you could go off to college. I was stuck.”

      “I’m sorry if you felt I was ducking our problems instead of sharing them with you.”

      Roxanne’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

      “I’m a psych major, remember?”

      “You think that makes you smarter? You don’t have any idea what it was like for me after Dad decided to marry that witch. Her kid was supposed to be some kind of perfect angel. I couldn’t do anything right.”

      “Remember those feelings when you’re talking to some of the kids we’re going to meet. Compared to the kind of stuff they’ve been through, you and I’ve had it easy. We started out with both parents and a nice place to live. Lots of them never had anything like that.”

      “I won’t know what to say.”

      “Just be kind. Be their friend. Working with my therapy animals should take care of the rest.” And maybe heal your broken heart the way they’ve healed mine.

      Mulling over the events of the past few hectic days, Megan realized the answer to her concerns about her sister had dropped right in her lap. She just hoped she’d be able to properly fulfill her original objective while helping Roxy at the same time.

      She smiled. Of course she would. It wasn’t chance that had brought her sister to her at such a perfect time, any more than it was an accident that a stray kitten had entered her life when she was a lonely, confused teen like Roxy. That sweet kitten had loved unconditionally and provided Megan’s first insights into the work she was now doing. All she had to do was continue to follow the good Lord’s leading and everything would turn out fine.

      Such a lofty conclusion made her chuckle. The perfect Christian was yet to be found and she wasn’t even close. Knowing human nature, she’d be lucky to get through her short stint at Camp Refuge without making bunches of mistakes.

      Good thing even the most fallible people got some things right, wasn’t it? Otherwise, nothing worthwhile would ever be accomplished.

      Amazed and pleased that she’d located the camp so effortlessly, Megan pulled through the gateway. She slowed her pickup truck, peering out at the old wooden cabins and deserted play

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