Mother Of The Bride. Carole Mortimer

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Mother Of The Bride - Carole  Mortimer

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each other you would only have put every objection you could think of in our way.'

      ‘Only because you're too young to know your own minds,’ Helen defended exasperatedly. ‘Both of you!’ Greg might be possessed of his father's supreme self-confidence, but he was still, after all, only nineteen.

      ‘You were both married at our ages,’ Greg pointed out reasoningly.

      Not to each other, thank God, Helen sighed with inward relief.

      ‘And it was far from a perfect arrangement,’ Zack told them impatiently. ‘Helen believes she married too young, I know. And your mother and I struggled along as students, Greg, because my parents had disapproved of the marriage at the time. It became even more of a struggle after you were born.’ He shook his head at the memory of the hardship involved in being a medical student and trying to be a father at the same time.

      ‘Thanks!’ Greg drawled hardly, blue eyes glittering as angrily as his father's.

      ‘You know damn well I didn't mean it that way,’ Zack snapped.

      ‘I know that what you're saying sounds suspiciously like a threat to me,’ Greg glared. ‘Stay away from each other or we'll leave you to struggle like we had to, is what you mean!'

      Helen looked at the two men with dismay; they were too much alike, these two, and as she had often had to do in the past she found herself cutting in between them in an effort to ward off a serious disagreement. ‘Your father wasn't suggesting that at all, Greg,’ she soothed. ‘He—–'

      ‘Wasn't I?’ Brown eyes glittered coldly. ‘They are too damned young to know what they're doing!'

      ‘And I suppose you're always so confident you're doing the right thing?’ Greg challenged defiantly. ‘That's why the two of you only stayed married to each other for five months!'

      ‘Greg!’ Emily gasped warningly, turning concernedly to Helen as she paled, very wisely not even daring to look at Zack, although the anger emanating from him was a tangible thing, to all of them. ‘Mummy, I'm sorry Greg said that; he didn't mean it.’ She glared across the table at him as he would have disagreed with her, his mouth setting mutinously as he bit back his angry retort. ‘But just because your teenage marriages turned out to be less than ideal, it doesn't mean that ours will,’ she added with persuasive charm. ‘Greg and I love each other.'

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