One Direction: The Official Annual 2012. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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One Direction: The Official Annual 2012 - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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says, “When Nicole told us that she thought we were too talented to let us go and they wanted us to form a group, my head started spinning. She said, ‘You’re going to get the chance to see what it’s like to be a group.’ Then Simon told us that they’d decided to put us through to the Judges’ Houses and we had a real shot at the competition. I don’t think any of us knew what to say.”

      “I was crying like a little baby,” grins Louis, laughing at the memory.

      The boys screamed and hugged each other, jumping up and down in excitement. But moments later reality hit. Being in a band was a risk. What happened if they didn’t get on?

      “When Simon told us that we were going to be part of a group, I whooped. And then I panicked. What if there was one person we didn’t get on with?” Harry remembers.

      There was no precedent for this. It had never happened before. The boys were making X Factor history. But as the lads looked at each other, they all knew they were prepared to do whatever it took to get their chance.

      Decision made, there was one thing they had to do and quickly. Find a name. The boys came up with lots of different ideas, but none of them seemed quite right. Then Harry had an idea, “We’ve all wanted the same thing from the start, so I came up with the name One Direction.”

      As soon as Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn heard it, they loved it. It just sounded right for them. It summed up exactly what they were about and it sounded good. One Direction it was to be. And they certainly made their impact on the show. From the very beginning it was obvious that the boys had exactly the right attitude. And they were now all dedicated to making the group a success. And that’s what it takes to make it to the top: talent, hard work, team spirit and most of all a positive attitude. The world had better get ready: One Direction had arrived.

      One Direction it was to be.


      Think you know 1D inside out? Take our super-fan quiz and find out…

      Round one Totally trivia!

      1. What did Louis want to be when he grew up?

      A. Famous

      B. Power Ranger

      C. Racing driver

      D. Stunt man


      2. What’s Harry’s sister called?

      A. Rachel

      B. Lizzie

      C. Lauren

      D. Gemma


      3. What did Niall sing in a local talent competition?

      A. ‘I’m Yours’

      B. ‘You’re the One That I Want’

      C. ‘Pokerface’

      D. ‘Cry Me A River’


      4. How many GCSEs has Zayn got?

      A. 13

      B. 7

      C. 9

      D. 11


      5. What was Liam’s performing arts group called?

      A. Green Door

      B. Blue Post

      C. Pink Productions

      D. Sparkle Performers


      Round two Say what?

      Fill in the missing words!

      1. “I felt like if I’d sung I would have been _______. I didn’t understand it.” Harry (when he was struck by stagefright)


      2. “I’m not like people think I am. I know I’m a bit _______ sometimes, but I do work hard.” Louis


      3. “Now I’ve got a _______ chance, I’m not going to blow it.” Liam


      4. “I’m not one of those people who have loads of _______.” Zayn


      5. “We want to _______ people. We want them to know we’re not your normal boy band.” Niall


      Round three Name these X Factor tunes.

      1. Who sang ‘Isn’t She Lovely’ by Stevie Wonder at their audition?


      2. Which song did the boys sing with Robbie?


      3. Which song did the boys sing in the first live X Factor show?

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