The Critique of Judgment. Immanuel Kant

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The Critique of Judgment - Immanuel Kant

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       Immanuel Kant

      The Critique of Judgment

      Critique of the Power of Judgment, Theory of the Aesthetic & Teleological Judgment

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-3194-2

      Table of Contents

       Editor’s Introduction



       I. Of the division of Philosophy

       II. Of the realm of Philosophy in general

       III. Of the Critique of Judgement as a means of combining the two parts of Philosophy into a whole

       IV. Of judgement as a faculty legislating a priori

       V. The principle of the formal purposiveness of nature is a transcendental principle of Judgement

       VI. Of the combination of the feeling of pleasure with the concept of the purposiveness of nature

       VII. Of the aesthetical representation of the purposiveness of nature

       VIII. Of the logical representation of the purposiveness of nature

       IX. Of the connexion of the legislation of Understanding with that of Reason by means of the Judgement

       Part I: Critique of the Aesthetical Judgement

       First Division: Analytic of the Aesthetical Judgement

       First Book: Analytic of the Beautiful

       First Moment of the judgement of taste according to quality

       Second Moment of the judgement of taste, viz. according to quantity

       Third Moment of judgements of taste, according to the relation of the purposes which are brought into consideration therein.

       Fourth Moment of the judgement of taste, according to the modality of the satisfaction in the object

       General remark on the first section of the Analytic

       Second Book: Analytic of the Sublime

       A.—Of the Mathematically Sublime

       B.—Of the Dynamically Sublime in Nature

       General remark upon the exposition of the aesthetical reflective Judgement

       Deduction of [pure] aesthetical judgements

       Second Division: Dialectic of the Aesthetical Judgement

       Part II: Critique of the Teleological Judgement

       First Division: Analytic of the Teleological Judgement

       Second Division: Dialectic of the Teleological Judgement

       Methodology of the Teleological Judgement.

       General remark on Teleology


       Table of Contents

      There are not wanting indications that public interest in the Critical Philosophy has been quickened of recent days in these countries, as well as in America. To lighten the toil of penetrating through the wilderness of Kant’s long sentences, the English student has now many aids, which those who began their studies fifteen or twenty years ago did not enjoy. Translations, paraphrases, criticisms, have been published in considerable numbers; so that if it is not yet true that “he who runs may read,” it may at least be said that a patient student of ordinary industry and intelligence has his way made plain before him. And yet the very number of aids is dangerous. Whatever may be the value of short and easy handbooks in other departments of science, it is certain that no man will become a philosopher, no man will even acquire a satisfactory knowledge of the history of philosophy, without personal and prolonged study of the ipsissima verba of the great masters of human thought. “Above all,” said Schopenhauer, “my truth-seeking young friends, beware of letting our professors tell you what is contained in the Critique of the Pure Reason”; and the advice has not become less wholesome with the lapse of years. The fact, however, that many

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