Ice Queen (Illustrated Edition). Ernest Ingersoll

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Ice Queen (Illustrated Edition) - Ernest Ingersoll

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       Ernest Ingersoll

      Ice Queen

      (Illustrated Edition)

       Christmas Classics Series - A Gritty Saga of Love, Friendship and Survival

       Published by



      Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting 2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-272-2260-5

      Table of Contents

       1. Thrown Upon Their Own Resources

       2. “The Youngster’s” Plan

       3. Fitting Out the “Red Erik”

       4. Making a Start

       5. Comfort in a Log Cabin

       6. Norse Tales

       7. The First Day on the Lake

       8. Jim's Rebellion

       9. Skating by Compass

       10. An Ugly Ferriage

       11. Camping Against an Ice Wall

       12. Snowed Under

       13. Saved From Starvation

       14. The Arctic Visitors

       15. Christmas Bird-Catching

       16. How Tug Made “Twitch-Ups”

       17. The Breaking Up of the Ice

       18. Rescuing the Wanderers

       19. Adrift on an Ice Raft

       20. A Night in an Open Boat

       21. The Escape to the Shore

       22. Rex Fights Unknown Enemies

       23. Exploring the Island

       24. The Wild Dogs Again

       25. The Perils of a Midnight Search

       26. Finding Snow-Birds and Losing the Captain

       27. Another Encounter With the Wild Dogs

       28. The Accident Explained

       29. Deciding Upon a New Move

       30. Katy Tames the Wild Dogs

       31. Abandoning the Island

       32. An Astonished Farmer

       33. The “Times” Correspondent

       34. A Happy Conclusion



      Chapter I.

       Thrown Upon Their Own Resources

       Table of Contents

      The early dusk of a December day was fast changing into darkness as three of the young people with whose adventures this story is concerned trudged briskly homeward.

      The day was a bright one, and Aleck, the oldest, who was a skilled workman in the brass foundry, although scarcely eighteen years of age, had given himself a half-holiday in order to take Kate and The Youngster on a long skating expedition down to the lighthouse. Kate was his sister, two years younger than he, and The Youngster was a brother whose twelfth birthday this was.

      The little fellow never had had so much fun in one afternoon, he thought, and maintained stoutly that he scarcely felt tired at all. The ice had been in splendid condition, the day calm, but cloudy, so that their eyes had not ached, and they had been able to go far out upon the solidly frozen surface of the lake.

      "How far do you think we have skated to-day, Aleck?" asked The Youngster.


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