The History of Virginia, in Four Parts. Beverley Robert

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The History of Virginia, in Four Parts - Beverley Robert

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for extraordinary occasions, under the disposition of the assembly, 201 16. Revenue granted by the act of assembly to the college, 202 17. Revenue raised by act of parliament in England from the trade there, 202

       CHAPTER V.

      Levies for Payment of the Public, County and Parish Debts.

§18. Several ways of raising money, 203
Titheables, 203
19. Public levy, 203
20. County levy, 204
21. Parish levy, 204

       CHAPTER VI.

      Courts of Law in Virginia.

§22. Constitution of their courts, 205
23. Several sorts of courts among them, 206
24. General court in particular, and its jurisdiction, 206
25. Times of holding a general court, 206
26. Officers attending this court, 206
27. Trials by juries and empannelling grand juries, 207
28. Trial of criminals, 207
29. Time of suits, 208
30. Lawyers and pleadings, 208
31. County courts, 208
32. Orphans' courts, 209


      Church and Church Affairs.

§33. Parishes, 210
34. Churches and chapels in each parish, 210
35. Religion of the country, 210
36. Benefices of the clergy, 210
37. Disposition of parochial affairs, 211
38. Probates, administrations, and marriage licenses, 212
39. Induction of ministers, and precariousness of their livings, 213


      Concerning the College.

§40. College endowments, 214
41. The college a corporation, 214
42. Governors and visitors of the college in perpetual succession, 215
43. College buildings, 215
44. Boys and schooling, 215

       CHAPTER IX.

      Military Strength in Virginia.

§45. Forts and fortifications, 217
46. Listed militia, 217

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