Forceful Leadership and Enabling Leadership: You Can Do Both. Robert Kaplan

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Forceful Leadership and Enabling Leadership: You Can Do Both - Robert Kaplan

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      The overarching distinction between the forceful and enabling approaches to leadership is no more important than the concrete behaviors that operationalize each type. Table 1 lists some of the concrete managerial behaviors that operationalize the macro polarity. The section below on development needs will elaborate on several of these specific pairs of behaviors.

      We will resist the temptation to choose one approach over the other.

Leads personally. Is personally involved in solving his or her unit’s problems. Enables subordinates to lead. Is able to let go and give individuals the latitude to do their jobs.
Lets people know clearly and with feeling where he or she stands on issues. Declares himself or herself. Is interested in where other people stand on issues. Is receptive to their ideas.
Makes tough calls—including those that have an adverse effect on people. Is compassionate. Is responsive to people’s needs and feelings.
Makes judgments. Zeros in on what is substandard or is not working—in an individual’s or unit’s performance.

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