Soul Seduction, Book 2 of The Third Wish Duology. Dawn Addonizio
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Table of Contents
Chapter 2 – Negotiations In The Dark
Chapter 4 – A Worthwhile Diversion
Chapter 5 – The Handwriting On The Wall
Chapter 11 – There And Back Again
Novels Of The Faerie Realm:
The Third Wish Duology
The Third Wish Duology
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Published by Nouveau Ventures
3606 Woods Walk Blvd
Lake Worth, FL 33467
Edited by DM Eburn
Book 2 of The Third Wish Duology
Copyright © 2012 by Dawn Addonizio
ISBN 978-0-9889992-1-3
All rights reserved.
First e-book release January 2012
For information contact:
Dawn Addonizio
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, locales and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination, or are used purely for fictitious purposes.
The Third Wish Duology is dedicated to:
Dr. Amy Kaufman – Who read it first as both a friend and an English professor, and kept me going with a priceless combination of encouragement and good feedback. I couldn’t have done it without you!
My Mom – Who has always encouraged me to think bigger and better and to believe that anything is possible.
My Husband – Who inspires my fantasies … and makes them come true.
Ann C. Crispin & the attendees of her 2008 Writers Workshop at Dragon*Con (which was Amy’s idea) – Thanks for the feedback & encouragement!
Much Love & Faerie Blessings Upon You All! -Dawn
Chapter 1 – Last Resorts
Panting, and cursing the stupidity that had possessed me to call the Hell Ride, I pushed myself into an upright position. I put my weight on my left forearm instead of using my shredded hands, the searing pain along my right side making me wonder if I’d broken a rib. I’d never had a broken bone in my life so I didn’t know what it felt like. But as I moved the pain receded into more of a sharp ache, and I was able to draw air into my chest, so I figured I was only badly bruised.
I seemed to have landed on the deck of a massive, badly weathered wooden ship. A broad, heavy mast rose from an elevated base several yards away, towering high into the black, starless sky above. Its spindly arms stretched out to either side with what was left of their tattered sails hanging off of them like withered flesh. The shapes of ragged clouds sped by overhead, adding to the eerily shifting shadows teeming across the surface of the deck.
An abandoned captain’s wheel stood forlorn and motionless between the spot where I crouched and the stairs leading up to the mast platform. Dark, bulky shapes lined the sides of the ship and another platform rose behind me as the bow of the ship narrowed, making me feel trapped within the shallow pit between.
I winced as I pulled out some of the larger splinters that were biting into my palms, identifying them as bits of the deck’s dark timber planks. My hands were bleeding and, although it was dim, I could see that I would have some work to do with tweezers later to get the rest of the splinters out.
A scratchy whispering rose up around me, making my skin crawl. Already tense, I jumped when an eerie, high-pitched cackle rang out. A low rumbling growl sounded in response, like taunting laughter rolling up from the bowels of the ship.
I heard a scuttling sound, like tiny claws scampering along the surface of the deck. I cringed, overcome by the creeping feeling that I was surrounded by unseen creatures scurrying through the shadows around me. The scuttling grew closer, a rapid pitter-pat that set my