The Grace Factor. Deborah Williams

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The Grace Factor - Deborah  Williams

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you should brush it across a tissue to get rid of excess powder. Flip the brush back and forth a number of times or gently wipe the brush on a tissue. For brushes used in a crème product, wipe the excess crème on a tissue.

      Personal makeup brushes need to be washed, not every day but only if they have an odour or have beads of makeup on them. If, however, you have oily skin, the brushes may get dirtier and may develop a greasiness that will interfere with the makeup application. They might also develop bacteria, so washing is in order.

      To wash your brushes, use soap gentle enough for woolens and delicate clothes.

      1. Dissolve the soap in warm water.

      2. Gently swish the brush around up to the ferrule. Use your fingers in the hairs to stroke the hair from root to tip.

      3. Rinse brush thoroughly in running water till the water runs clean.

      4. Brush the excess water out of the brush on a soft towel.

      5. Stroke the brush to reshape or use a small comb through the hair from root to tip.

      6. If the brush does not reshape, use a very small amount of non-alcoholic hairspray. Spray it in your hand, and very gently stroke the brush from root to tip.

      7. Lay the brushes down on a towel to dry flat. If the brush heads are over the edge of the counter, the air will dry them more quickly and they won’t flatten out on one side. You can stand them up as long as there is no excess water, as you do not want water to run into the ferrule.

      If you use alcohol on your brushes they will wear out faster, as alcohol can strip the natural oil in the hair. (Professional makeup artists use alcohol very often because it dries quickly, and the brush can be used on another person within five to seven minutes.) There are specialized brush cleaners, but I have found them to be too strong, and they can stain the brushes. Once in a while, if you need to clean the brushes right away, 99 percent alcohol can be used, but make sure not to get the ferrule in the alcohol or it will loosen the glue and could release the brush.

      In chapter 9, I further explain how to load the brushes and how to use them correctly.

      How to Use Your Makeup Brushes

      First load your brush with product. Gently sweep the brush across the product in the direction of the bristles. A quality brush will grab the product; it’s not necessary to use a lot of pressure when loading the brush.

      For your foundation powder, once the flat-top brush is loaded, take a look at it to make sure that you are using the correct pressure to grab the powder foundation. Wherever you place the brush first is where you will deposit the greatest amount of the product. On the face we very often have more redness throughout our cheek area, so once the brush is loaded with product, place the brush in the cheek area first and move towards the jawline and into the nose area. By then you will need to reload your brush. Hold this brush with your thumb and index finger, resting the brush between these two digits. This will give you the greatest control.

      For the brushes with longer handles, hold the brush as you would a pencil. Use short back and forth movements in a windshield wiper fashion. Gently press the brush into the face, “tapping” (stippling) to apply the foundation powder.

      By using the brushes this way you will create the cleanest application.


      Chapter 3


      Is Key



      “The best colour in the world

      is the one that looks best

      on you.”

      —Coco Chanel


      Colour is one of nature’s greatest gifts. Diversity, creativity, imagination—they are all sparked through the gift of colour. Colour dazzles and enthralls and delights the eye. And colour is key to bringing out the best and most beautiful you.

      I’m here to help you figure out your skin tone and which makeup colours will suit you.

      When I talk about colour and makeup, I’m referring to skin undertone. Are you warm (yellow undertones) or cool (pink undertones)? Warm and cool determine colour choice, from foundation to lipstick and everything in between.

      The categorizing of cool and warm colours to improve appearance by choosing the colours that enhance a woman’s skin tone, eye colour and hair colour started in the 1970 book titled Colour Me Beautiful, written by Carole Jackson. I remember my mother getting her colours done and buying this book.

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