Psychological Problems and Their Big Deceptions. David W. Shave

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Psychological Problems and Their Big Deceptions - David W. Shave

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else, and less on your preparation for the marathon, you might not be as successful in the marathon as you would be with more of your self-felt unconscious entity focused on that preparation.

      We earlier saw how our secondary feelings often present as reality-oriented explanations for what we must do to rectify the unwanted primary feelings about something associated with us as being in some way “deficient,” “flawed,” or “unwanted” in its present state. If you have a primary feeling from your increased unconscious entity that your preparation for an upcoming marathon is “inadequate”, or “inferior”, or “incomplete”, or “indicative of failure”, then a reality-oriented secondary feeling of yours might be, “I feel I need to spend a lot more time working harder and longer, preparing for the marathon,” which might now have to be accomplished more urgently and with more worrying, in a more stringently determined way, and no other way. That’s what it would take, you might now believe, to correct what you uncomfortably feel isn’t “good enough” about your preparation. Though it might appear that you have consciously determined what you believe, and can present this in a logical and factual way, what really is determining what you believe, is your uncomfortably increased unconscious entity in your unconscious. We know that what it takes for you to become more emotionally comfortable is to lower both the uncomfortable levels of your unconscious entity and your unmet basic emotional need. Although you could meet your basic emotional need and decrease the unwanted feelings from your increased unconscious entity in a lot of other possible ways than winning the marathon, you won’t feel so. Your increased unmet basic emotional need and your increased unconscious entity are being narrowly focused in your reality by your unconscious, as a desire to win the marathon. Your unconscious is determining your primary and secondary feelings, as well as the reality focus of those feelings, and, as such, it is determining your conscious thinking in regard to the marathon. That’s an example of how our unconscious can unrecognizably determine our conscious thinking in regard to anything. It does it by the primary and secondary feelings that arise from an increased unconscious entity and an increased unmet basic emotional need, with an unconsciously determined reality focus for those entities.

      If you’re feeling, which is to say “believing,” that your preparation for the marathon is inadequate, and much of that feeling, or “believing,” is arising, unrecognized, from your recently increased self-felt unconscious entity, then you’ll feel, or “believe,” more intensely that way, as your unconscious entity increases further. As a result of a further increase in your unconscious entity, your feeling you need to prepare more could become seen as a more factual, and, as such, a more emphatic, “I do need to prepare more for the marathon.” That increase of your unconscious entity intensifies your belief. What had been a feeling with less unconscious entity now has become an indisputable perceived “fact” of your reality with more unconscious entity. Your intensified belief is based on what you perceive as “factual” of your reality which may not be based at all on true facts of your reality. You might now be more driven to prepare yourself better for the marathon, because not only is your increased unconscious entity intensifying your primary feeling that your preparation is inadequate, but it’s also intensifying your secondary feeling of needing to work harder and longer in your preparation, in a more stringently determined way. That increased unconscious entity is increasing the urgency to do that, as well as increasing your worrying about it. It’s determining what you perceive as “factual” about your reality. With a much lower level of your self-felt unconscious entity, you would feel less inadequate (and less inadequate sexually in relating to an adult female) and that your preparation is less inadequate, and you would feel less urgency in correcting that inadequacy, and what must be done will be less stringently determined. What you would now see as “factual” would be different than what you saw with more unconscious entity. You’d now be less driven to prepare for the marathon with little or no worrying about it. With an increasing level of your unconscious entity, you’d have a higher level of an unmet basic emotional need, and if this is focused on your winning the marathon, winning it would become more emotionally important to you, and you’d be more driven to reaching that goal. As your unconscious entity increases more, the inadequacy of your preparation would be magnified as a problem to you, the urgency to complete your preparation would be increased, and what must be done to prepare for the marathon would become more stringently determined, and more of a worry to you. Your uncomfortably increased self-felt unconscious entity, and the specific primary and secondary feelings it is producing, that is being unconsciously focused on what is needed to be focused upon to win the marathon, would provide the unrecognized motivation to correct what needs to be corrected. Your unconscious entity would be influencing the perceptions you make about yourself and the reality of what is needed for your winning the marathon. It could change your thinking, which might be essential for you to do, to train more often, more arduously, and more in an unalterable certain way. It could unrecognizably be determining your priorities. Your similarly focused unmet basic emotional need would become an added asset, because it could create a beneficial rationalization for what is necessary for you to become more emotionally comfortable, which you’d believe, because of the unrecognized influence of your unconscious, would be winning the marathon race.

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