Get the Vibe. Melissa Perry Moraja

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Get the Vibe - Melissa Perry Moraja Get the Vibe

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you vision. You need the color blue to help you communicate your vision. You need the color green to unite with others to share your vision. You need the color yellow to understand and intellectualize your vision. You need the color orange to create a plan for your vision. And lastly, you need the color red to implement and build your vision.

      Each color has a purpose, as does each sound. Get the Vibe! will give you the knowledge and tools to improve your personal and professional relationships, increase your productivity, enhance your personal brand image, and achieve your goals by simply changing your vibe.

      How to Use This Book

      Through this experiential book, you will learn the fundamentals of how energy works and the power behind color, music, and your mind’s vibe. Once you have mastered the fundamentals, you will begin your journey of discovering your personal color and music vibe. From there, you will learn how to use them to begin shifting your personal energy and the energy of your surroundings to set the stage for creating the positive change(s) you desire.

      In addition, Get the Vibe! goes one step beyond just learning about how to use color and music to shift your personal vibe and the vibe of your surroundings. It also shares how to take care of your personal vibe—the invisible energy that every living creature, object, and thing emits.

      In this hands-on experiential guide book, you will:

       Learn how to increase your productivity

       Discover how to improve your relationships

       Uncover what you are attracting, and why

       Create a personal brand image

       Discover the subliminal messages you are sending to people

      By reading Get the Vibe! and then implementing its techniques, everyone from business professionals to your stay-at-home mom will not only gain the knowledge, but also the skills to make positive changes today.

Get the Vibe! Principles

      Principle One: Everything is Made Up of Energy

      If everything is made up of energy, then everything emits an energy vibe. As I mentioned previously in the Introduction, an energy vibe is the invisible energy that is emitted by everything in the universe. Yes everything! You may not be able to see, feel or hear it, but it’s there and it has a direct affect on you.

      Have you ever given thought to the affect wireless products have on your physical well-being? Take a minute and think about how the signal gets from your wireless router to your computer. It travels through your floors and walls until it reaches your computer. If it can travel so easily through physical objects, then it can easily travel through you. You may not be able to see the wireless signal, but it’s there. Yes those invisible vibes of energy emitted by your wireless computer, cellular phone, remote control, and cordless phone has a direct affect on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

      My fascination and understanding of energy vibes started when I was eight years old. This was the time period that I noticed the affect the full Moon had on my sleep patterns and my moods. A few days before a full Moon I experienced insomnia. No matter what time I went to bed, I laid there for hours watching my alarm clock turn from 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. The next day I felt wired, like I drank too much caffeine. I also felt more daring where I was more open to taking risks. For the next several years, I paid close attention to how I acted and reacted, and how others acted and reacted, during a full Moon. First, I noticed that my sisters and mom all got a little more moody. We also argued more during a full Moon. Second, my friends appeared to be high on energy and ready to take risks such as skipping school. Till this day, I instinctively know when a full Moon is days away. Everyone around me appears to be a little more on the moody and antsy side.

      Astronomers have proven that the Moon’s gravitational pull affects the ebb and flow of the Earth’s ocean tides. This gravitational pull is the invisible energy vibe that has been created by the orbital nature of the Earth and Moon to one another. Since humans are made up of about 70% water like the Earth, it’s no wonder why the Moon has a direct affect on each and every one of us. In fact, there have been studies that support the fact that during a full Moon there is an increase in crime rates. In August of 2002, there was an article written that states police in Toledo, Ohio have noticed a 5% increase in the crime rates on the nights of a full Moon (, Analysis shines light on full Moon, crime, by Joe Mahr). Other theories suggest the full Moon increases epileptic seizures, births, and mood swings. For many, it’s obvious that something greater is happening when a full Moon is present. I, for one, have experienced the affects the full Moon has on my sleeping patterns and moods.

      The affect that the full Moon had on my sleeping patterns made me start to think about other things in my environment that may also be affecting my moods and behavior. This led me to Principle Two: Everything affects and is affected by you.

      Principle Two: Everything Affects and is Affected by You

      I have a high sensitivity to color. In fact, every year since I can remember, I’ve had a new color. And that color was the color that replaced all the other colors in my wardrobe and surroundings. In fact, I drove my mother crazy when it came time for her to purchase a gift for me. If the gift she purchased wasn’t in the color that resonated with me that year, I would either have to take it back or exchange it for a new color. It took her a few years to realize this wasn’t a childhood phase. By the time I entered junior high school, my mother made a ritual of keeping all the receipts just in case she purchased a gift in a color that for some unknown reason I just couldn’t wear or have around me. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that it was this new color that represented my personal energy vibe that year.

      I also noticed that I was drawn to certain types of music depending on my mood. If I was in a sad mood, I would turn on songs like Hard To Say I’m Sorry by Chicago, Play Me by Neil Diamond, and Open Arms by Journey. If I was in an upbeat mood, I would turn on music like Dancing Queen by Abba, Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, or More Than A Feeling by Boston. The music I listened to reflected my mood. What I wasn’t conscious of at that point in time was that the music I listened to continuously reinforced the energy vibe I was feeling—sad music for sad times and happy music for happy times.

      During the same time period, I also became fascinated with the natural and universal laws—Law of Attraction, Law of Giving and Receiving, and the Law of Cause and Effect. This steered me in the direction of learning more about Isaac Newton’s and Albert Einstein’s theories. Through my research, I discovered Newton’s and Einstein’s theories apply not only on a physical level–a car moving at the speed of one hundred miles per hour will cause more physical damage than one at forty miles per hour–but also on a psychological emotional level. Below are their theories and examples of how each can be applied on an emotional and mental level.

       Newton’s Theory of Motion states that in every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction, or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and act in opposite directions. This plays out all the time during an argument. For instance, your spouse walks in the door from a bad day at work and gives you that look. You then react by giving the same look back. From there your conversation escalates due to each of you feeding off of the others actions and reactions. The important factor with this law is to pay attention to how you react to a certain situation. Just because

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