Last Pages. Oscar Mandel

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Last Pages - Oscar Mandel

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But with you—there is a difference.”

      “Why? Why is there a difference?”

      How to reveal and yet not to betray? She whispered “Don’t speak of …things …before my mother. She—she is quite wonderful, but not always…discreet. Do you understand?”

      “I do, trust me.”

      Madeleine rose as if to leave, but Nicholas gently detained her.

      “You shall not go with tears in your eyes.” He made her sit again and held her two hands in his. “Calm yourself, lovely, kind Madeleine. I’ll not babble in front of your mother, I promise. She is so very lively! I understand. I shall speak to her only about us, Madeleine and Nicholas. Or will you become simple Madelyn in our homely English?”

      He had pronounced his own name in the French manner.

      “It can never be, Nicholas, never never never.”

      “Because of your rank?”

      “No no no….”

      “How little you know about this America of ours! Between you and me I recognize neither moat nor wall. Here we begin fresh, as in a new Garden of Eden.”

      “I know. But—”

      “Don’t answer yet. Will you listen to me a little while longer?”

      “Of course.”

      “You land among us for a few days of rest. You discover our unpolished seamen and farmers, so different from the elegance you have known. No fine carriages, no jewels, no mansions—”

      “How wrong you are! I—”

      “But you haven’t probed beneath the surface. Let me tell you my story. When I’m done, you shall lead me proudly to the fearsome Marquise, and I trust that she will give us her blessing.”

      “Never, my dear, never.”

      But Nicholas was not listening. It was common knowledge that young ladies feigned reluctance. Besides, he had plunged, and he must, and he wanted to, complete the plunge.

      “The man I rescued yesterday was our agent.”

      Madeleine’s mouth opened. She stared at Nicholas and then brought out, “And you knew it?”

      “Of course.”

      Something came into Madeleine’s eyes that would have alarmed Nicholas had he not been intent on the plunge.

      “We were expecting him with important messages from the mainland. They proved even more important than we thought. I love you, Madeleine. I will tell you my deepest secrets.”

      “Don’t,” she whispered.” But he was listening only to himself, plunging.

      “We have been summoned, my uncle and I, to meet the new commander-in-chief at Cambridge.”

      “If my mother heard this!” was the thought that crossed Madeleine’s mind. But what she said was, “To do God’s work.”

      “I knew you would think so. I am nothing now, Madeleine, but the doors are opening to me. Your Nicholas is now a privateer.”

      “What is a privateer?”

      “Almost a pirate!”

      “I understand—a corsaire—for your people’s sake.”

      “Yes. But this is only the first link. At Salem a great man is waiting for me. He wants to equip the brigantine which is to sail under my command. My private share of the booty is an entire fifth, Madeleine, nothing to be sneered at. But now comes my second man. A gentleman in a high place in the army, who undertakes to purchase whatever I capture, sight unseen, lock, stock, and barrel. Do you follow me?”

      “I think so,” said the girl faintly.

      “My third man is a banker in Philadelphia. The moment I have got my first two winnings in my pocket, he will advance me, what shall I call it? a majestic sum of money. And then—”

      “You will be a nabob.”

      “We shall see! A year ago, when the Parliament ruined our sea trade, I joined in an expedition against the Shawnees, deep in the West—”

      “Did you kill many Indians, Nicholas?”

      “Kill or be killed. And they have nearly killed me more than once! At Niagara Falls—but that’s another story. In Virginia I met a fascinating person—a Judge Henderson—I can’t tell you all the particulars now, Madeleine, but they’re magnificent! Henderson bought land from the savages for next to nothing—a few pounds sterling—a sack of trinkets—plenty of rum, too! More land than your French king possesses. Tell me, how well do you know our country?”

      “I’m very ignorant.”

      “Have you heard of the Kentucky, the Ohio, the Cumberland?”

      “Yes. They are mountains and provinces.”

      “They are also rivers. With land in between. A country unto itself. We’ve given it a noble name—Transylvania—and in that country Henderson is holding a splendid tract for me. No one knows about this, Madeleine, except you.”

      “And your uncle.”

      “I should say not! Not about this nor about anything else I have told you. He has more important concerns. General Mayhew is going to lead an army. You needn’t be ashamed of us, you see. But where was I?”

      “Your land, and the savages.”

      “I am entrusting you with my secrets, Madeleine.”

      “They will die with me,” said the girl, but the image of her mother’s face took space in her mind. She felt a strong wish to stop Nicholas, but strong too was her curiosity. As for Young Nick, why, he had never spoken, never revealed, never discoursed, never had a confidante, and now, joyously completing the plunge before a charming girl, he exulted in his vision.

      “Land!” he cried, holding her hand, “Land and more land! You and I will be lord and lady! Your princes of the blood will come and kiss our hands. But Henderson wants hard cash on the table. And that is why I forged that long beautiful chain.”

      “You’re extraordinary” was all Madeleine would say.

      “With special beauties in it. An estate at Concord, a chocolate mill …But we’ll not live in Massachusetts, you and I. Virginia is the place for us.”


      “Because you’ll feel at home there. They will treat you as you deserve. You’ll be waited upon by a retinue of glistening Blacks. Oh Madeleine, I’ve been prating like a fool this half hour—sordid mercantile affairs, but how else could you learn that we are not unworthy of you? I love you. You are as beautiful—”

      “As the chain you forged?” she asked with

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