The Curtain. David T Maddox
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Made for Grace Publishing
P.O. Box 1775
Issaquah, WA 98027
The Curtain: It Begins
Copyright © 2016 by David T. Maddox. All rights reserved.
Designed by DeeDee Heathman
Scripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, © 1960, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data
Maddox, David T., date,
The Curtain: It Begins / David T. Maddox.
p. cm.
PRINT ISBN-13: 9781613398654 (pbk.)
EBOOK ISBN-13: 9781613398234
LCCN: 2016906538
To contact the publisher please email
[email protected] or call +1 425 657 0300.
Made for Grace Publishing is an imprint of Made for Success, inc.
Printed in the United States of America
After a legal career in both Texas and Arizona that spanned over 40 years as a civil litigator, God called David to leave his law practice and work full time in discipleship for the ministry organization Time to Revive. That call is really the fruit of decades of prayer for revival and teaching God’s word, writing discipleship materials and seeking to make disciples. David married Janet Whitehead in 1976 and they currently minister together from their Phoenix home. God has blessed them with four children and thus far seven grandchildren.
THE CURTAIN IS dedicated to four people who have had most influenced my life and ministry over these many decades. There have obviously been many others that God has used, but these people have changed my life and I want to acknowledge them and affirm how God has used them.
RICHARD OWEN ROBERTS – In my life Mr. Roberts has been like “the Bookseller” in this story – the one who opened God’s word and revealed hidden truth. He taught me about revival and awakening and showed me what it means to walk without compromise at a high cost.
DR. HENRY BLACKABY – Henry (as he prefers to be called) opened my eyes to what it means to walk intimately with the Lord – to hear Him speak, to discern what He has said, to see Him working around me. He has encouraged me in the way of obedience, made me aware of the cost of my obedience to those I love, and so much more.
KYLE & LAURA MARTIN – This couple opened my eyes to what we are called to in the Great Commission, what it means to put no limits on the Holy Spirit, the importance of the Jewish people in end times, what it means to be prepared for the return of Jesus, what it means to walk in faith in total dependence on God, and so much more. Time to Revive, the ministry they began, is the only revival ministry I have encountered that doesn’t’ just study revival or pray for revival, but actively seeks to gather churches together in revival. I have been privileged to be a small part of this ministry for the last five years. Here God is mightily at work.
JANET WHITEHEAD MADDOX – My bride, my completion, the one God uses to keep my focus and to confront me when I get off the path. No man was ever more blessed than I have been in sharing my life with her, our kids and grandkids – sharing our relationship with God. To minister together with the same heart has been the joy of my life.
Writing a book is a long journey which for me began in 2007 when the Lord inspired me to try and take the truth of Scripture about the invisible conflict that goes on around us and picture it in such a way that people could have a better understanding of this reality which affects their daily life. My attempt has in some cases been futile, but hopefully what is shared within the pages of the book is Biblically accurate and will open eyes to help answer the why questions for much of what we face today.
Many people have encouraged and helped me along the way. In 2007, Matt and Kim Clark read each chapter as the book progressed giving me valuable input and perspective as the story and characters developed. As a trial lawyer, I was used to telling stories and being sure that the stories matched the evidence, but as this book continued the characters took over the story and drove it in surprising directions. Later others including Mel Sauder and Jerry Jagoda would read revisions, there were seven in all, and similarly gave input and encouragement.
For me, the “hero” in this process has been my editor, Catherine Barrack whose insight and discernment was invaluable. Her maturity as a Believer enabled her to ask the right questions to be sure that the story did not go beyond what was Biblically possible as have others who attempted to write similar stories. Her skill and sensitivity gave new life to some of the characters at critical points in the story and gave me insight that only a third person reading the story can give. It is a much-improved story because of her partnership in the process.
Special thanks must also go to Buzz Leonard, who introduced me to Bryan Heathman and Made for Success Publishing. They quickly understood what I am trying to do and have been helpful at each stage of the process working patiently with a first-time author.
Ultimate thanks go to the Lord, who despite me having stage four cancer has enabled me to finish the book in between this past year of chemo treatments. I am hopeful that the book will bless the reader even as writing it has blessed and taught me. If it does bless you, please share it with others.