Creating Purpose-Driven Learning Experiences. William M. Ferriter

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Creating Purpose-Driven Learning Experiences - William M. Ferriter Leading Edge

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       Solutions for Digital Learner–Centered Classrooms

       CreatingPurpose-DrivenLearning Experiences

      William M. Ferriter

      Copyright © 2015 by Solution Tree Press

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Ferriter, William M.

      Creating purpose-driven learning experiences / by William M. Ferriter.

      pages cm -- (Solutions)

      Includes bibliographical references.

      ISBN 978-1-942496-31-1 (perfect bound) 1. Inquiry-based learning. 2. Active learning. 3. Project method in teaching. 4. Motivation in education. I. Title.

      LB1027.23.F47 2015



      Solution Tree Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO Edmund M. Ackerman, President

      Solution Tree Press President: Douglas M. Rife Associate Acquisitions Editor: Kari Gillesse Editorial Director: Lesley Bolton Managing Production Editor: Caroline Weiss Proofreader: Miranda Addonizio Text and Cover Designer: Rian Anderson Compositor: Rachel Smith

      This book is dedicated to thought leaders like Will Richardson, Scott McLeod, Dean Shareski, Chris Lehmann, Patrick Larkin, and George and Alec Couros, who have been challenging both my thinking and my practice for the better part of the past decade. Thank you for letting me learn alongside you.

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      Table of Contents

       About the Author


       A Necessary Change in Teacher Mindset

       Succeeding at Meaningful Work

       Chapter 1: Here’s What I Mean by Doing Work That Matters

       Working to Engage Students

       Project-Based Learning as a Tool for Doing Work That Matters

       Chapter 2: Microlending as an Example of Doing Work That Matters

       Kiva Makes It Possible for Students to Do Work That Matters

       Is Microlending the Right Project for You?

       What Required Objectives Will You Address in a Microlending Project?

       Would Addressing Poverty in Your Local Community Make More Sense for Your Students?

       How Will You Handle the Funds You Collect for Your Microlending Project?

       Resources for Supporting Classroom Microlending Projects

       Which Country Should We Loan To Comparison Activity

       Do Something Funny for Money Day

       Lending to Women, Lending to a Group, Giving a Gift Card to Another Class

       Kiva Lending Questions

       Kiva Loan Reflection Organizer

       Setting Kiva Loan Priorities

       Self-Assessment Rubric for Microlending Project

       Kiva U

       Teachers as Resources


       Chapter 3: Purpose-Driven Blogging as an Example of Doing Work That Matters

       Raising Awareness About Issues That Matter

       Four Tips for Starting Your Own Purpose-Driven Classroom Blogging Project

       Choose a Cause That Matters to Your Kids

       Use One Blog for Your Entire Class

       Choose a Blogging Platform That You Are Comfortable With

       Recruit Regular Readers and Commenters for Your Blog

       Resources for Supporting Classroom Blogging Projects

       Classroom Blogging Tasks to Tackle

       Self-Assessment Rubric for Classroom Blogging Projects

       Tracking Student Mastery—Classroom Blogging Project

       Classroom Blogging Reflection


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