Merry Mutts. Laura McLeod
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I dedicate this book to all of our children: Joel, Elizabeth, Collin,
Rebecca, Alex, as well as Rory, Max & Olivia. And to the children
who are reading this book. May you all do your jobs well and, above
all, let your light shine!
I also dedicate this book to our wonderful pets. The unconditional
love you generously give to others is a gift.
Merry Mutts
Laura McLeod
Merry Mutts
©2016 by Laura McLeod
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission
in writing from the copyright owner.
Published by Clovercroft Publishing, Franklin, Tennessee
Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by
Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Illustrated by Beth Howard
Edited by Gail Fallen
Cover and Interior Design by Suzanne Lawing
ISBN: 978-1-942557-39-5
Printed in the United States of America
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
These 9 fruits are major fruits and qualities that are coming direct from God Himself.
We all should do the best we can to work on reflecting these in our daily lives.
Meet the Family
: Charlotte, black-and-white Pointer mix
: Sergeant, black-and-tan German Shepherd
1st puppy
: Max, brown Dachshund mix with little front legs in wheel cart
2nd puppy
: Samantha (“Sam”), small black-and-tan Norwegian Elkhound mix with a
curly tail
3rd puppy
: Thor, yellow Lab
4th puppy
: Sadie, blonde-and-white American Foxhound
am Charlotte. I was adopted by a family and we all love each other very much. I was
a regular family dog, but now have a job to do. My job is to be a mommy for puppies
who do not have a mom. I take care of the puppies until they are old enough to go
to their adoptive family. The puppies I care for are called orphans. The dog shelter
sometimes receives puppies whose moms might not be able to care for them. They
sometimes call me to see if I can raise the puppies until they are big and strong. My job
is to teach them all the things their mom would teach them, such as how to eat, drink
water, play, and groom themselves. Puppies learn from other dogs, so it is important
that we are together until the puppies are old enough to be on their own, which is
about 10-12 weeks. Each time I take care of puppies, they begin to feel like my very own.
I love them all and each is special. So far I have taken care of 11 puppies. Right now I
have four to raise. They are 6 weeks old, and very cute! The puppies have just had their
lunch and they are taking a nap. I look down at the puppies and whisper to them,
“I love you, little pups. Do you know that each of you are special and will each have a job to
do when you grow up? I can already see the characteristics you each portray, such as love and
Samantha stirred and asked, “What did you say, Mommy?”
“I was telling you, you are growing up so quickly and once you are older, you will each have
a job to do. I was also letting you know how much I love you and how thankful I am to have
“I love you too, Mommy. When is Daddy coming home?” Samantha wondered.
“Not until he is done with work, right around our dinnertime. Work has been very busy.
Now go to sleep and rest for a while,” I urged Samantha.
“OK, Mommy.” And back to sleep Samantha