The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. Gail McMeekin

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The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women - Gail McMeekin

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book is dedicated with love to my two nieces, Jenna Beth McMeekin, now in her teens, and Grace Sarah McMeekin, miraculously born in 1998. My wish is that Jenna and Grace, in community with the young women of their generation, will feel empowered by this book's guidance, as well as inspired by the stories and insights of the creative women who so generously contributed their wisdom. I hope these lessons stimulate the growth of their own creative voices and spark the self-confidence they will need to follow their fascinations, wherever they may lead.

      The 12 Secrets highly creative women

       Note to Readers

       First Gateway / Engaging Your Creativity

       SECRET 1 Acknowledging Your Creative Self

       SECRET 2 Honoring Your Inspirations

       SECRET 3 Following Your Fascinations

       SECRET 4 Surrendering to Creative Cycles

       Second Gateway / Mastering Your Challenges as a Creative Woman

       SECRET 5 Committing to Self-Focus

       SECRET 6 Conquering Saboteurs

       SECRET 7 Consulting with Guides

       SECRET 8 Selecting Empowering Partnerships and Alliances

       SECRET 9 Transcending Rejections and Roadblocks

       Third Gateway / Actualizing Creative Results: The Power of Positive Priorities

       SECRET 10 Living in Abundance with Positive Priorities

       SECRET 11 Subtracting Serenity Stealers

       SECRET 12 Planning to Achieve Your Goals




      Note to Readers

      This book is designed to teach you the secrets of highly creative women. It is a guidebook meant to be read and reread over time, as you and your creative challenges change and blossom. My hope is that the wisdom of the women interviewed and the lessons you learn from the myriad of practices called Challenges will encourage you to soar to new creative heights and joy. This book can be your companion, accompanying you on your passage and providing you with the keys to your creative expansion.

      There are three major Gateways through which you are invited to enter on this journey: Engaging Your Creativity; Mastering Your Challenges as a Creative Woman; and Actualizing Creative Results: The Power of Positive Priorities. Within each Gateway, there are a series of Secrets—essentials for a successful transition to the next Gateway. Within each Secret, there are specific Keys that unlock its mystery and spur your mastery. By the end of the book, you will have compelling goals and a plan of action steps to guide you on your chosen path. Remember, whenever the saboteur of self-doubt stalks you or you feel alone, rely on this book, infused with the many spirits of your creative sisters, to coach you onward.

      I recommend that you buy yourself a notebook—a fabulous notebook, a gorgeous notebook—that you can use to record your answers to all of the Challenges in this book. There are twelve Secrets, one for each week or each month of the year. You set your own pace. Find other creative women with whom you can share your discoveries and struggles. Encourage each other, inspire each other, and challenge each other to bring all your visions into reality. Let's stop sparring about our differences, and celebrate our creative gifts as women. Creativity thrives on uniqueness. This book and your encounters with other women hold the spirit of a “sacred space” in which each of us can unleash our greatness.

      First Gateway

      Engaging Your Creativity

       There cannot be too many glorious women.


      SECRET 1

      Acknowledging Your Creative Self

      Your creative self is alive and waiting for your invitation to evolve! Dare to embrace your creative self and manifest your dreams. Recognizing your creativity leads you into a life of self-expression, fulfillment, and contribution.

       Responding to Creative Callings

       Experimenting with New Processes

       Seeking Success Stories

       Learning the Secrets

       Your creativity is waiting for you like a dancing partner.



      Yes, you are a creative woman. Creativity is not just for “talented geniuses.” Creativity is a tool we can all access and utilize. It doesn't matter if you've never picked up a pen or can't draw a straight line or flunked out of music class, you have a creative self waiting to be awakened or amplified. Webster's definition for the word create is “to cause to come into existence; bring into being; make; originate.” Creative women are innovators—they manifest the new.

      They dare to believe in their insights, to intuit the next step, and to take risks, even if it means getting lost or being wrong. You too can participate in creative expression and share your personal talents. You are an original; therefore, your inspirations are original as well.

      As a career and creativity coach, as well as a licensed psychotherapist, human resources consultant, and trainer for the past twenty-five years, I have helped thousands of women discover

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