The Self-Donation of God. Jack D. Kilcrease

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The Self-Donation of God - Jack D. Kilcrease

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(Isa 40), thereby reversing the state of exile. This returning “glory” will be seen by “all flesh” (40:5). This returning presence is clearly identical with the Servant of the Lord. He is God’s luminous glory in that he is a “light to the nations” (49:6). This description clearly parallels the universal manifestation of the kavod in 40:5. Furthermore he is described as the “arm of the Lord” (53:1, 63:12). He is also the “angel of the presence” sent to save (63:9).75

      Quia vero sensus litteralis est, quem auctor intendit: auctor autem sacrae Scripturae Deus est, qui omnia simul suo intellectu comprehendit: non est inconveniens, ut dicit Augustinus XII Confessionum, si etiam secundum litteralem sensum in una littera Scripturae plures sint sensus.

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