The Self-Donation of God. Jack D. Kilcrease

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The Self-Donation of God - Jack D. Kilcrease

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separate theophanies. First, in chapter 5, he promulgates the Word of God on a mountain (v. 1). Moses came down from the mountain and gave the Torah after speaking with God at the summit. Jesus stands on top of the mountain and directly promulgates the Word of God to the people as God himself. In chapter 17, Jesus is transfigured, which as we have noted in the last section, must necessarily represent a theophany. The third theophany occurs as Jesus stands on the Mount of Olives, where we are told that God’s glory rested when it left the temple (Ezek 11:23). It is also the location where Zechariah prophesied that God will stand before the final battle that will destroy Jerusalem (Zech 14:4). This fits well with Jesus’s discourse in this section, which describes the destruction of Jerusalem. He ends the discourse by saying “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (24:35) an echo of Isaiah 40:8: “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” The fourth theophany occurs on Golgotha as Jesus is crucified. The darkness and earthquakes that accompany his death are direct parallels with Amos’s description (Amos 8:9) of the Day of the Lord, that is, God’s own epiphany in judgment. It is also somewhat reminiscent of the coming of God to commune with Israel as seen in Exodus 20, wherein the old covenant was ratified. In keeping with this, Jesus’s death ratifies the “new testament” in his “blood.” The fifth and last theophany is on a mountain in Galilee after the resurrection, when Jesus commissions the disciples as they “worship” or “prostrated” (prosekynēsan) themselves before him (Matt 28:17). In this context, such an action can only be understood as divine worship.251 Indeed, Jesus states, “All authority in heaven and on earth have been given to me” (v. 18). This means that Jesus transcends merely human dominion on the earth (Gen 1:28), and also possesses all authority in heaven, which according to his earlier statement in the gospel, is “God’s throne” (Matt 5:35).

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