Inside Out: A Pagan Tale for the Child Within. Heather Brunton

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Inside Out: A Pagan Tale for the Child Within - Heather Brunton

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gadgetry. A television and stereo were the only familiar items while the rest looked futuristic. All of the usual living requirements were present. A couch, table and chairs and, partitioned by a low wall, a bed which was pushed into a corner of the room.

      ‘Make yourself at home. There’s food in the fridge.’ Rendal turned to leave but already Maisey was heading exhausted, towards the bed.


      When Maisey awoke it was dark and she lay in the silence gathering her thoughts. From the stillness of the night it was obvious that the courtyard was empty but out of curiosity she went to the window and drew aside the curtains. She jumped back with a start as two huge eyes gazed back at her. They cast a golden glow around the cottage and with a laugh, she realised that they were twin moons suspended in a starlit sky of unfamiliar patterns.

      Where on earth am I? Am I on Earth? She turned away. I guess not.

      Turning on a table lamp she looked around the cottage. A kitchen area held a fridge and she remembered her hunger as she checked its contents. Inside lay many earthly delights and she selected savouries, sweets and a drink of what appeared to be soda, though the label declared ‘Galactic Guzzler’. Different, she thought as she took a swig, and settling down on the couch, lifted the remote. The television screen lit up the wall.

      The announcer wore a long robe like the beings she’d spoken with.

      ‘The news from around the galaxy will follow after this break.’ There was a pause while lettering on the screen declared that this was to be an intergalactic message of peace, then the camera took a distant view of a circle of beings holding hands and singing. The camera zoomed in closer and the girl saw that each of the figures were totally different in appearance. From human form in varying degrees, to what she barely recognised as any creature she had ever seen. The oddest being was thick, short and purple with indents that seemed to be eyes over its entire body. As each spoke, words appeared across the lower screen, only one line recognisable as English, while some were hieroglyphic in appearance and others seemed to be mere dots and dashes. Each creature poured forth its own message of love, joy and happiness then the camera zoomed out into the galaxy and the announcer was back.

      ‘We hope you enjoyed that message brought to you by The Council for Galactic Right Thought, of course the translations were decoded by our new intergalactic transputer, Codi,’ he turned to another camera, ‘and now to the news.’

      The screen behind him showed a distant image of Earth.

      ‘There are strong indications that negative energy is gaining in the battle of light over Earth this evening. If you’ll take a look at the light decoder graph.’

      The screen changed colour as Earth appeared now, through some sort of energy highlighter. It became a swirling mass of black, grey and white light, with Earth barely visible through the darkening mass.

      The announcer continued. ‘… it clearly shows the predominance of dark shadows. It is therefore advised that all of you watching from around the universe, send light in a concerted effort to help those less fortunate than ourselves. In so doing we can all benefit.’

      The story concluded, the screen switched to some unknown planet and the announcer continued. ‘Inarda, in Somax sector is the likely candidate to host the next Harmonic Thought Directives, forty light years away.’

      The message was beyond Maisey’s comprehension so she switched it off and ate the rest of her food in silence then looking down at her filthy clothes she went in search of a bathroom.

      She found it just off the kitchen, decked out with a deep round tub and thick carpeting. While she waited for the bath to fill she looked about further. Checking the cupboards she found shampoo, soap and towels. She supposed she would have to put her dirty clothes back on so she hung them in a long cabinet that had a reflective interior. Closing the door she noticed a thin panel on the wall to the side of it which contained a list: Repair, Clean, Dry-Clean, Air Out. It was a list of probable options so she undressed and hung her jeans, underwear, tee shirt and sweatshirt on hangers, closed the cabinet door and pushed ‘Dry-Clean’ and ‘Repair’. A whirring sound began and continued quietly so Maisey let herself relax into the warm depths of the tub.

      Feeling much better after her bath, she had to wait only a moment more and the machine ceased its humming. Cautiously she opened the cabinet. The clothes appeared like new. What a strange place this is, she thought. She dressed and returned to the kitchen just as a knock sounded.

      Rendal poked his head around the door noting her clean appearance. ‘You’re up then? I see you found the facilities. We’ll go to see the Councillors if you’re ready, before it gets too light.’

      ‘Can I grab a couple of biscuits?’ asked the girl.

      ‘Of course you can. As many as you like.’

      Maisey slipped two biscuits into her pocket before leaving the cottage. As they crossed the courtyard their steps echoed in the stillness and she asked, ‘Why before it gets too light?’

      ‘Better to cross the void before dawn.’ said Rendal. The thought sent a fresh chill up Maisey’s back.

      Rendal left the girl at the turret room where the three robed figures sat waiting for the girl to be seated. She found the room even more beautiful by the light of the twin moons and twinkling stars.

      ‘We trust you are well rested.’ said Thoth.

      ‘Yes thank you,’ replied Maisey, adding. ‘I saw your news service and it raised a lot of questions. Where am I? You’ve told me of Id and Euphoria but where exactly are they?’

      Thoth was slow to answer, choosing his words carefully. ‘This place is but a reflection of Earth, though in a different time zone; a different level of consciousness. We are like a blueprint for Earth. We are here to help you evolve and viceversa. We may not interfere, only guide, in the hope that Earthlings will assume their true power for good. But before I go further, do you still wish to accept the challenge to find the Rock of Strength?’

      ‘Yes,’ Maisey’s words sounded uncertain even to her own ears but Thoth either didn’t notice, or pretended otherwise.

      ‘The choice you have made in accepting our task may hold greater meaning if you observe.’He directed Maisey’s gaze to the wall behind him. It swirled and she felt herself drawn into its depths. In a flash she relived her life up till that point, all of the happiness and all of the sadness, all of the events that had joined to make her life what it was. Drawn out of its whirlpool, she found herself back in the room and Thoth was talking.

      ‘That was your past, recorded in time.’

      He indicated to the wall behind Hathor. ‘This next screen is that of comprehension.’

      Once again she felt drawn into its depths, though this time she seemed to be viewing her life from a distance, without emotion. She saw all of the decisions that had been made by her parents and her own more recent bad decisions, but more importantly she knew rather than saw, that there was a reason for everything. She saw that wrong choices and decisions could be lessons to teach her, and finally she saw herself giving up the walkathon, and the robed figures making a last ditch effort by bringing her here. She was back in the room again and Thoth was saying, ‘So you see, you are at the crossroads of time. The challenge is really in assuming your power.

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