PROtect Yourself! Empowering Tips & Techniques for Personal Safety: A Practical Violence Prevention Manual for Healthcare Workers. Rae Stonehouse

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PROtect Yourself! Empowering Tips & Techniques for Personal Safety: A Practical Violence Prevention Manual for Healthcare Workers - Rae Stonehouse

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don’t really want that. They just want to discuss what is on their minds and reach their own conclusions.

      Really listening phases are:

      “You seem to think ...”

      “You sound like ...”

      “You appear to be ...”

      “As I understand it, you...”

      A constant bombardment of questions can disrupt communication and be a barrier to conversation. Commands will have the same effect and many of them are impossible to follow anyway.

      “Stop feeling depressed ...”

      “Don’t be so upset ...”

      “Don’t think about it ...”

      “Stop worrying ...”

      Comments that seem threatening will end a conversation as quickly as changing the subject or not paying attention.

      “You had better stop feeling sad...”

      “You had better stop feeling ... or I will ...”

      Chapter Three Summary:

      In Chapter Three we explored the criteria for conducting a risk assessment for workplace violence. We were challenged to consider how we personally view working with potentially violent individuals. This would be a good topic to discuss with your coworkers at break time or at a staff meeting.

      We were then introduced to techniques to utilize when communicating with a disturbed individual.

      Chapter Four will introduce us to the nature of crises and provide examples of the characteristics of crisis-prone individuals in a Quick List. We will then learn how to identify events that can trigger a crisis response. We then move on to identifying and expanding upon the four levels of a crisis. Specific attitudes or approaches to be used in each of the four levels of a crisis are introduced.

      We will then differentiate supportive and directive approaches to take with a disturbed individual and the appropriate time to use them. This is followed by techniques to handle verbal aggression.

      From there, we move in to exploring how our body language works for or against us in resolving a crisis. Physical interventions are discussed. We focus on the psychological reactions experienced by an individual in crisis.

      Techniques for utilizing a team approach to resolve a workplace crisis are explored.

      There is always paperwork to be completed in any unusual situation. We will explore the legal aspects of documenting, post incident. Then, we will move into exploring post incident debriefing techniques. Tips on contacting emergency responders i.e. police, fire & ambulance will be provided.

      How we as individuals handle a crisis will be explored. Do we stay or do we run? Chapter Four concludes with several case studies from my experience to illustrate the chapter’s content.

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