Shock!. Donald Ph.D. Ladew

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Shock! - Donald Ph.D. Ladew

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smiled ruefully. "Well, I think he's a very," she grinned, "attractive man. He's only a few inches taller than me, but he stands erect, like a military man. And he moves very fine, like a dancer. I'm not sure he has that much experience with women. Sometimes he seemed as if he didn't quite know how to deal with me. You know, after I asked him out and he finally answered, that he would like to by the way," She smiled at her grandmother conspiratorially, "he came and sat next to me on the sofa, took my hand and kissed it. He did it so naturally, so intensely, oh, Grams, I'm ashamed to admit it, if he wanted, he could have done anything he desired."

      "I do understand. I may be an old gel now, but I do remember what it was like to have strong feelings." Her eyes twinkled. "It appears he didn't press or you wouldn't be here for our tea."

      Grace laughed. "No, Grams, he didn't press. In fact, he said I should set the pace of our friendship; that he wasn't at his best yet and was afraid he wouldn't be all I deserve."

      "Well, he's apparently a very charming young man. You invite him over to tea soon. I want to have a look at him."

      "I don't know about that, you can be pretty overwhelming when you want. I remember that man, the Vice-President or something and you had him tongue-tied," Grace said.

      "Don't you worry, my dear, that fella was just a politician, this is not the same thing; not at all."

      They sat quietly for a while drinking their tea, each immersed in her own thoughts, one in the present and the other in the past, the subject the same.

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