Survival: The Ultimate Mission. Robert M.D. Skaf
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the ultimate mission
immortal species
surviving beyond death (part 1)
robert skaf
-A journey into the human soul. How did we become immortal, why are we immortal, have been immortal and should be immortal?
-As a little boy, like many others, my dreams always revolved around one goal that one day I would be strong and powerful. It has taken me over fifty years to discover that as an intelligent species, we draw strength from our weakness. Not only would an all-powerful super being and powerful breed of super humans spell the end of humanity, it won’t even be able to survive. Yet how many of us aspire to be a superman or a superwoman, what an irony.
-Everything that can be connected to survival can be explained logically and reasonably.
-Humanity is immortal, you are part of humanity, help humanity and you will be immortal as well.
-The continuous creation has assigned us a mission. We are entrusted in keeping intelligence and creativity alive, without which nothing in the universe would amount to anything.
-The reason we tend to be kind and compassionate has nothing to do with nobility. We tend to be generous because it makes more sense to sustain the survival of the species. Like generosity, any action or behaviour that can be proved, with a degree of logic, to be beneficial to the long survival of humanity, must be tolerated if not celebrated.
-An intelligent species should be able to discover on its own the benefits of cooperation and peaceful existence. The highest form of civilization lies in the ability to solve any differences or disagreement without resorting to war and violence.
-Space traveling in the distant future will greatly depend on our ability to discover the unknown energy of the universe and use it to power future space ships that are able to make stellar if not galactic treks.
By having these vehicles fuelled from the elements of the universe as they shuttle through it, there will be no need to carry any fuel. Nothing short of this visionary plan would make such travel possible.
-There is a good chance that intelligent life might exist on other planets. However, making contact with any other intelligent civilization may never take place. The reasons are almost endless. They range from the simplest such as the absence of radio to the most complicated such as the state of super intelligence, in which case a far advanced society, contrary to the former one that have failed to invent the radio, would have discovered new methods of communications that are beyond our comprehension and might include such exotic methods as telepathy.
-Intelligence is very important for the survival of any species, nonetheless intelligence without vision, creativity and socially civilized infrastructure does not amount to anything. As a matter of fact an all-powerful super being would probably cease to interact with others and more than likely cease to be creative. This is why space and creative vision have no bound.
Survival: The Ultimate Mission
by Robert Skaf
Copyright 2011 Robert Skaf,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0590-2
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Billions of people around the world struggle to survive on meager income. For the longest time, people in the West were fortunate enough to enjoy a high standard of living. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. While some westerners are still able to strike it rich or land high paying jobs, most are struggling. This essay introduces new ideas which will pave the way for an economic recovery and is dedicated for people around the world who are enduring hardship, yet; still make a great contribution to humanity. In every culture, ordinary people are ignored. While there is nothing wrong with honouring the few that make it to the top, we must always remember that without an educated and knowledgeable public, geniuses like Edison or Einstein would not have been created. Scientists and artists can only evolve with an evolving society. This is why for thousands of years no one had heard of moving pictures, incandescent lamp or nuclear energy. The reason Edison and Einstein had succeeded in tackling these subjects can be attributed to the work of many brilliant minds who were considered to be pioneers in these respective fields. What is also important happens to be the forgotten common people. Inventors and scientists could go nowhere without an educated literate public. They need an educated public to make use of their new gadgets, otherwise their inventions and theories would never see the light of day. They are kept alive by the ordinary people who take an interest in studying them if not find them practical in lively applications. Unlike a herd of stampeding cattle, humans are strung together like a poem where every word counts. It is the composition of words that results in a great poem. It is the composition of society that determines the level of civilization. Reaching a higher level of civilization begins by improving the living condition of all citizens of the world by establishing a prosperous economy that provides meaningful employment for anyone willing to work. It is my hope that one day humanity will be able to reach a higher level of civilization and begin to include employment among other human rights. We must look at every person as an asset or a force, not just during wars but when we are enjoying peace as well. The value of a human being should not appreciate only when he or she is forced to defend the nation and play the role of hero.
This work has been edited to the best of my ability. In my view, the interaction that takes place on the internet has eliminated the need for a professional editor. Please feel free to comment on any aspect of this work. Unlike book publishing, internet publishing is very flexible, changes and additions can be quickly made once they are detected or deemed necessary or useful. Please forgive the errors, these essays were written in the office of a grocer while answering phone calls, serving customers and supervising staff.
The first time I began thinking about writing a book with similar topics to this one was almost thirty-five years ago. The place was Beirut. Back in 1975, at the beginning of the civil war I was in complete shock to witness the destruction of a beautiful country by its own people. Lebanon before the civil war had many problems, however, the people, regardless of their religious beliefs or political persuasions were friendly, polite, well mannered, peaceful and generous in the extreme. At twenty-four, I was a young entrepreneur managing and operating a small food warehouse. It was by coincidence that I had an opportunity to deal with merchants and suppliers from every religion the country had known. Lebanese bankers ran a tight ship and took very little risk, if any, in conducting their business. The food retail market relied heavily on food importers and suppliers like the Tabbarah family to extend credits to smaller