God's Interventions In Secular History. Kenneth B. Alexander BSL, JD, Deacon
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God’s Interventions In Secular History
The Beginning
Kenneth B. Alexander, JD, Minister
Thanks to John Robert Stevens, Pastor and Mentor, deceased; Pastors Gary and Marilyn Hargrave; The Living Word, a World Wide Fellowship of Churches (thelivingword.org); Logos 5 Bible Study System; Fellow Christian Believers
© Kenneth B. Alexander, JD, Minister,
Scripture references: The New American Standard, 95 ed.; The New American Standard Bible, 1977 ed.; King James Authorized Version KJV (King James Authorized version); RSV (Revised Standard Version); NKJ: (New King James Version)—unless otherwise noted.
Scripture references in Italics
Bold: Authors Discretion
Sccripture Citation Abbreviation: Common Usage (ex. Mt. Matthew; Lk. Luke; Jn. John; Gen. Genesis; Lev. Leviticus; Is. Isaiah; 1 Co. 1 Corinthians; etc. )
Christ’s Sacrifice
Jesus In the New Testament
List of Miracles Performed By Christ
Below Are the Parables of the Kingdom
Birth of Christianity
Men Sent By God After Christ
Introduction-Fall of Man
The purpose of this Book is to show how God used aspects of creation to accomplish His will on the earth. God will use anything even if it seems not to be logical. He uses Satan, men, nations, miracles, sinners, prostitutes, wars and just about anything He can lay His hands on all to glorify himself n His creation. He will call men His servants who don’t know Him. He will destroy the love of His life if they disobey Him. All of this he does in the name of love even though it may not seem so at the time. He honors and blesses those that are His. He destroys that which prove themselves not to be His. All his ways are just and righteous. He is our personal Father not some far off God living in a spirit realm we can’t understand. He is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omniscient (knows all) and fills all things. He speaks a Word and it comes to pass. He is always on time (His time) as He rushes to deliver one of His. This book will reveal His ways which are past finding out. He will annihilate His enemies.
God’s greatest intervention history is that He created the vast havens and the earth from nothing visible. He created everything we can see and much we cannot. Man was the jewel of that creation and the earth was His focus. He filled created space and filled it with galaxies and trillions of stars and planets with distances between them to far to contemplate. He filled the microscopic world of quantum mechanics too small to see. He foresaw everything that was ever to exist in this physical realm and spoke it into existence with a word: “let it be”. He carved a section out of eternity, called it time, and included the heavens and the earth. He created all manner of life including man made in His image. His purpose in physical creation was to integrate this physical realm in the likeness of the eternal Spirit realm (heaven if you will) where He lives. One of the few specific prayers He gave man was: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6:10).
God began with “the heavens and the earth,” (Gen 1:1) but then chose to the earth, not the heavens, as the theme from which He chose to inhabit man. Having chosen the earth, God now bypasses the angels (fallen angels included) and elects to deal with man. Man is first created below the angels with the expectation that he will rule angels and will in fact rule all of His creation. From Adam’s many sons, God chooses Seth (4:25). Of Seth’s many descendants (Gen. 5), God chooses Noah (6:8), and from Noah’s family, He chooses Shem (11:10), Terah (11:27), and finally Abraham (12:1). Abraham has many children, but Isaac is the chosen seed (21:12). Isaac has two sons, Jacob and Esau, and God chooses Jacob to be the recipient of His blessing. He chooses His younger Son Joseph to save a world from starvation. (Wiersbe, Warren W.: Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament).
God left the remainder of the heavens to the other nations of the earth (Deut 4:15). Most ancient civilizations worshipped Satan through the heavens or the pagan gods associated with them (Sumeria, Babylon, Canaanites, Chaldeans, Medes and Persians, Grecians, Macedonians, Asiatic nations, Native Americans, Romans and countless others. God made this clear in Deuteronomy: So watch yourselves…”so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any animal that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the sky, the likeness of anything that creeps on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the water below the earth. “And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, THOSE WHICH THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS ALLOTTED TO ALL THE PEOPLES UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN” (Dt 4:15-19). His intention for the heavens were for planting, keeping time and navigation and looking up to see the glory of God.
Man asks the eternal question “Why are we here?”. He searches the earth, the vast heavens and the minute quantum realm seeking answers to this question. He asks “Are we alone in the universe?” and searches for alien beings and misses what is right infront of his nose. He asks “What was before our beginning 13.7 billion years ago?”. “How did life begin?” The deeper he searches the more questions he uncovers but no answers. Man does not comprehend the basic truth that: “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and HIS WAYS PAST FINDING OUT!” (Ro 11:33-34). Only the Son known the Father who is the creator of all things and those whom the Son chooses to reveal Him (Luke 10:22). Man and all his efforts to know God, without accepting the Son, are utterly useless and futile. The human mind, no matter how intelligent, can never know God and the mind is actually hostile to God because it does not think His thoughts (Romans 8:7). Only those with the mind of Christ will know the truth (1 Co 2:16).
Why are we really here? The answer is that we are responsible for converting the earth into a place that mirrors the spirit world (heaven if you wish). He didn’t make it an easy task. He placed Satan “the adversary, [Peter 5:8] and the accuser” [Rev 12:10] directly in man’s path to challenge him every minute of every day. Jesus defeated Satan through His death and resurrection. But it remains for mankind to make what Christ accomplished on the cross a reality in the earth. Adam and Eve were created into an atmosphere of perfection but they lost