The Abyss. James Bèyor

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The Abyss - James Bèyor

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sins and our investments in iconic evil.

      How did the symbol become the crutch on which we willingly lean? How did the binary terminus of the word intent become touted as a pre-god substitute?

      Everything must pass through this ear/eye undeveloped space which seems to disregard, even deny, the human brain’s duty which it has to protect the creature’s natural biological response system from the all or nothing subterfuge. How are several magnified words made to be more powerful and singled out as inductive symbols for exclusive use? Is doing more important than being? Is it possible that the made up symbol, the icon, is more important than the man before he put on the mask of the symbol? Is this world run by organized hypocrisy?

      Is all official reason a forgery of the rights to the mask? How deep this clever symbols vending word game mind-hole goes. The symbols abyss was dug centuries ago to hide man-made error. Until we discover the origin of the feeling eroded energy morphology interface that reduces the brain’s life energy and deludes it into creating innocuous and careless tautology we will remain subjugated and armored with fear.

      We need to understand sense disfigurement and the fear punctuating it. These three journals are devoted to transparent divergence. Welcome fellow composers. Do we bow before the icon mask of man or are we just afraid of the threat-words that go with the big stick that makes the recipient of word tax viable and fine fearful? How deep do we have to dig to actually unearth the secret tactics hidden in the icon cache? Who buried bio-genesis deep in the altered conscious mind and how? Can we tell the story of how it all began in intimidation and how it always ends in tear soaked unforgivable blood curdling fear? How many wars find us no wiser, no freer and no better off as human beings? Is legalism actually a grim reaper? It is exactly like the icon/symbols mind-shift that bled humanity of its first will to feel, to care and to see. Psychological death is now legalized and sanctioned by the medical community. Want out of hell?

      You can know if you desire the want to know, and pay attention, ask questions of all that you hear and read from all intelligent works if you seek to call yourself a thinker. If you must agree, your worth is sacrificial at best. These journals are merely contributing works of many more to come by other Genesis people in different parts of the world. Those gifted in personified thought, music and art are the composers of the human heart. The soul has many voices and speaks thousands of languages. Feeling can see unconditionally. The Universal Parallel of Genesis bio-consciousness is finally forming. Be ready to meet it and you will hear its dimensional voice.

      What we seek to express as direct knowing without forced authority is based on “real” human truths. The un-civilized man used signs and sounds to communicate. Real needs no official capacity! Once the written word took dominance man became dictatorial and communication ceased as false dominance increased and the word became the only official means by which we measure Artificial Intelligence. Original knowing was felt on many levels. Today, our knowing is merely a binary carrier of character rule based on edicts for a demand-based existence. Those who communicate with feelings are very rare. Cherish them and keep them near you. Their sight will be needed.

      JOURNAL 205


      What if we remove the made up icon memory from our systemic social model, and replace it with passive subsistent being? What if we let the brain breathe life back into the spiritual being and cease trying to regulate human life by force? If the road to hell is paved with bribes of gold we can have no doubt that we are closer to the end of the road than ever before. Who do we look to? Do we comprehend just how committed the Omegas are to AI terminal knowing? The Omega taskmasters rule the limited minds of the tech-nodes who make the buttons and switches of the war machines. Little men just doing their jobs not caring that the products of their labors will be used against them eventually.

      How does the court judge process human beings for a probable cause? No crime need occur for one to be processed as a criminal, as crime is assigned to those who do not play by manipulated rules. The rule begets the crime and creates the criminal. Legalism and probable cause are the real criminals.

      How is the prefix “con” used? This root word is more than 3,000 years old. It is from the Latin word cum, defined as with, which was later changed to con. The word with was, like many seemingly harmless words, refitted to the social conditions for command based doing. What began as the spoken word was the beginning of what appeared to be the harmless subdivision of the human senses. The ears formed a pooling of name and word sounds. When the ears and eyes were no longer accountable to all of the five senses it created being and doing deviation. The sound and sight of a word were harmless until it subjected men into a dictatorial stance. This word pool became coercion. In other words, at one time words had no empowering significance in true life communication. Words are symbols that point to a particular frame of artificial meaning. Symbols [words] do not point to the questions and doubt we have in expressing whole sense to a living truth direct knowing. Omega created a non-sense icon conversion strain for their express dictate over the little man’s feeling sense. Since connotation is sense driven non-sense terms, mankind created the bi-polar bridge to Hell. Being and doing would always be at war. This is the Omega Strain. Evil equals legalism today.

      JOURNAL 451


      There is no official TERM to or for what we dynamically feel we know. That is why symbols created an emotional vector. If we store binary memory and do not release it then we are condemned to remain in one sentiment or one choice forever.

      All credentials are predisposed lies that serve the tax base of the king state of the Omega strain. To bury a very demanding organic mover-based knowing that is deeply embedded in our feeling nature is true criminality. We all are blessed with and are made to share our being-ness which moves unilaterally. This being and doing are one. Do we share feelings? Do our doubts actually define us as thinkers? What we do is not who we really are by Genesis feeling standards. Are these necessary human feelings cut off by the abstract we call legalism? Of course they are. Human fears are legalized for payment to the suppressors.

      Do we want to know how this great con of man works? Do we want to figure out how the “this means that and that means this” bait and switch icon worship works? It is not difficult to figure out once you have the KEYS TO THE ABYSS, once you open to your own Genesis truth and feeling direct knowing, all is visible.

      If you drop a frog in boiling water, he will quickly jump out. If you drop him in warm water and bring the temperature up slowly to the boiling point, the frog will continually adapt and allow itself to be boiled alive. Is the accepted agreed to all or nothing binary mind-set the “slow boiling of the frog syndrome?” Is this our fate? It is fate that our living truth remains in a suppressed mysterious unconscious senseless place within us? We must open the brain’s full potential. Are we being denied the living truth of our biological being-ness which is our innate spirit nature? When we consider the symbolic act and where it ends up, we always find out that the icon converts enjoy rule by the application of a self-tightening psychological binding. The King demanded loyalty through his psychological fear servants, the priests and the politicians. The specter of fear is all that is needed to dominate the world. Post and warn, threaten by force and law is the result.

      Today we use eye-con intimidation in the form of tags and labels of artificial good and bad. Eye-con memory is based in fear of loss of one’s game rights. The game is turned against them by every profiteer the game can offer. To point out any error in the game’s protocol, the top players will retaliate, berate, condemn and even kill to preserve their AI credentialed status of icon right. Everything in the player’s area is considered tangible vice. No player is allowed to look at a personal freedom that is not tied to the credentials of all the made up vice-machinery.

      Like a fiefdom, as long

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