Avant Desire: A Nicole Brossard Reader. Nicole Brossard

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Avant Desire: A Nicole Brossard Reader - Nicole Brossard

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       Avant Desire

       A Nicole Brossard Reader

       Edited bySina QueyrasGeneviève RobichaudErin Wunker

       Coach House Books, Toronto

      copyright © Nicole Brossard, 2020

      translations © the translators, 2020

      collection copyright © Coach House Books, 2020

      first edition

Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, and the Government of Canada logos

      Published with the generous assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council. Coach House Books also acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit.

      Every effort has been made to request permission from rightsholders to reissue the selections in Avant Desire. If you hold the rights to any of these pieces and haven’t granted permission, please email editor@chbooks.com and we’ll rectify this in future reprints.


      Title: Avant desire : a Nicole Brossard reader / by Nicole Brossard ; edited by Sina Queryas, Geneviève Robichaud, and Erin Wunker.

      Other titles: Works. Selections. English

      Names: Brossard, Nicole, author. | Queryas, Sina, editor. | Robichaud, Geneviève, editor. | Wunker, Erin, editor.

      Description: Collected translations of the original French. | Includes bibliographical references. | Text in English; includes some text in French.

      Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20200198793 | Canadiana (ebook) 20200198947 | ISBN 9781552454039 (softcover) | ISBN 9781770566279 (EPUB) | ISBN 9781770566361 (PDF)

      Classification: LCC PS8503.R7 A2 2020 | DDC C841/.54—DC23

      Avant Desire is available as an ebook: ISBN 978 1 77056 403 9 (EPUB) ISBN 978 1 77056 636 1 (PDF)

      Purchase of the print version of this book entitles you to a free digital copy. To claim your ebook of this title, please email sales@chbooks.com with proof of purchase. (Coach House Books reserves the right to terminate the free digital download offer at any time.)

      Note to the Reader:

      Our EPUBs are formatted as reflowable text so that our books can be accessible and will display well on as many different reading screens and devices as possible. This means that for poetry some lines may end up breaking and carrying over to additional lines.

      Because there are many different viewing devices and reading preferences available for digital books, we cannot guarantee that the text in this EPUB will look exactly as is displayed in the print edition or as the authors intended.




       Avant Desire, The Future Shall Be Swayed, by Sina Queyras, Geneviève Robichaud, Erin Wunker


       Logical Suite (Pierre Joris)

       The Part for the Whole (Jennifer Moxley)

       Calligrapher/in Drag (Larry Shouldice)

       June the Fever (Barbara Godard)

       Sous la langue/Under Tongue (Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood)

       Ultrasound (Robert Majzels and Erín Moure)

       Scenes, from Mauve Desert (Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood)

       Hotel Rafale, from Baroque at Dawn (Patricia Claxton)

       Sixth Bend, Ninth Bend (Lou Nelson)


       The Aerial Letter (Marlene Wildeman)

       6 December 1989 among the Centuries (Marlene Wildeman)

       From Shadow, from Ardour (Angela Carr)

       Femme d’aujourd-hui: An Interview (Geneviève Robichaud)

       THE CITY

       from Intimate Journal (Barbara Godard)

       Worn Along the Fold (Fiona Strachan)

       Screen Skin Utopia, from Picture Theory (Barbara Godard)

       Just Once, from French Kiss (Patricia Claxton)


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