The Expeditions. Maʿmar ibn Rāshid

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The Expeditions - Maʿmar ibn Rāshid Library of Arabic Literature

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قصب من اللؤلؤ.

      قال: سئل رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم عن ورقة بن نوفل، كما بلغنا، فقال: رأيته في المنام عليه ثياب بياض. وقد أظنّ أن لو كان من اهل النار لم أرَ عليه البياض.

      قال: ثمّ دعا رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم إلى الإسلام سرًّا وجهرًا وإلى هَجْر٢ الأوثان.

      ١ [عروة] أنا؛ ساقطة من مم.

      ٢ [وإلى هجر] من عب (رواية محمد بن كثير الصنعانيّ عن معمر عن الزهريّ)؛ ساقطة في مم.

      Maʿmar said: al-Zuhrī said:

      ʿUrwa related to me that, when Khadījah passed away, the Messenger of God said, “I received a vision of a house in Paradise for Khadījah made of reeds, in which there is neither clamor nor toil. It is fashioned from reeds of pearl.”37

      When the Messenger of God was asked about Waraqah ibn Nawfal—as was reported to us—he said, “I dreamt of Waraqah and he was wearing a white cloak. I am inclined to think that, were he among the denizens of hellfire, I would not have seen him in white.”

      Then the Messenger of God began to call the people to Islam secretly and publicly, and for the people to abandon38 their idols.


      قال معمر: وأخبرنا قتادة عن الحسن وغيره، فقال:

      كان أوّل من آمن به عليّ بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه، وهو ابن خمس عشرة أو ستّ عشرة.

      Maʿmar said: Qatādah ibn Diʿāmah related to us on the authority of al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī and others, saying:

      The first to believe in Muḥammad was ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, who was fifteen or sixteen years old at the time.


      قال: أخبرني عثمان الجزري عن مقسم عن ابن عبّاس، قال:

      عليّ أوّل من أسلم.

      Maʿmar said: ʿUthmān al-Jazarī related to me on the authority of Miqsam, citing Ibn ʿAbbās, who said:

      ʿAlī was the first to become Muslim.


      قال: سألت الزهريّ، فقال:

      ما علمنا أحدًا أسلم قبل زيد بن حارثة.

      Maʿmar said: I asked al-Zuhrī and he said:

      We do not know of anyone who became Muslim before Zayd ibn Ḥārithah.


      قال: فاستجاب له من شاء الله من أحداث الرجال وضعفاء الناس حتّى كثر من آمن به. وكفّار قريش منكرين لما يقول، يقولون إذا مرّ عليهم في مجالسهم فيشيرون إليه: إنّ غلام بني عبد المطّلب هذا ليكلَّم، زعموا، من السماء!

      Maʿmar continued: Those whom God willed to do so answered the Prophet’s call—namely, the young and the destitute—and eventually the number who believed in him increased greatly, even though the infidel Quraysh rejected what the Prophet preached. They would point to him whenever he passed by them in their assemblies and say, “This boy from the sons of ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib hears a voice, as they allege, from heaven!”39


      قال معمر: قال الزهريّ:

      Maʿmar said: al-Zuhrī said:


      ولم يتبعه من أشراف قومه غير رجلين، أَبي بكر وعمر رحمهما الله. وكان عمر شديدًا على رسول الله صلّى الله وسلّم وعلى المؤمنين. فقال النبيّ صلّى الله عليه وسلّم: اللهمّ أيّدْ دينك بابن الخطّاب!

      From the notables of the Prophet’s tribe, only two men followed him: Abū Bakr and ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb. Now ʿUmar used to be a strident opponent of the Messenger of God and the Believers, so the Prophet prayed, “O Lord, support your religion with Ibn al-Khaṭṭāb!”


      فكان أوّل إسلام عمر، بعدما أسلم قبله ناس كثير، أن حُدّث أنّ أخته أمّ جميل ابنة الخطّاب أسلمت وأنّ عندها كتفًا اكتتبتها من القرآن تقرأه سرًّا. وحُدّث أنّها لا تأْكل من الميتة الّتي يأكل منها عمر. فدخل عليها، فقال: ما الكتف الّذي ذُكر لي عندك تقرئين فيها ما يقول ابن أبي كبشة؟ يريد رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم. فقالت: ما عندي كتف. فصكّها، أو قال: فضربها، عمر. ثمّ قام فالتمس الكتف في البيت حتّى وجدها. فقال حين وجدها: أمّا إنّي قد حُدّثت أنّك لا تأكلين طعامي الّذي آكل منه! ثمّ ضربها بالكتف فشجّها شجّتين.

      The beginning of ʿUmar’s conversion to Islam—after many had already become Muslims before him—was as follows: ʿUmar was informed that his sister, Umm Jamīl bint al-Khaṭṭāb, had become a Muslim and that she possessed a shoulder blade on which she had written verses from the Qurʾan and from which she read aloud in secret. ʿUmar was also told that she no longer ate of the carrion from which he ate.40 Thus, he went to her and asked, “What is this shoulder blade that I hear you have in your possession? Are you reading from it the things about which Ibn Abī Kabshah speaks?”—by whom he meant the Messenger of God.41 “I don’t have a shoulder blade,” she replied. So ʿUmar beat her—or, al-Zuhrī said, he hit her—and then he began searching for the shoulder blade. When he found the shoulder blade, he struck her with it, splitting her skull open in two places, and said, “And that's for what I have been hearing about you refusing to eat the same food as me!”


      ثمّ خرج بالكتف حتّى دعا قارئًا، فقرأ عليه.

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