Forbidden Knight. Diana Cosby

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Forbidden Knight - Diana Cosby The Forbidden Series

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      Deep within Scotland, a healer and a warrior join forces to protect Scotland’s future . . .

      There is an intruder in the woods near King Robert Bruce’s camp, but when Sir Thomas MacKelloch comes face-to-face with the interloper, he is shocked to discover his assailant is a woman. The fair lady is skilled with a bow and arrow and defiant in her responses. The wary Knight Templar dare not allow her beauty to lower his guard. Irritated by his attraction, he hauls her before his sovereign to expose her nefarious intent.

      Outraged Sir Thomas dismissed her claim, Mistress Alesone MacNiven awaits the shock on the arrogant knight’s face when he learns that she has told the truth. But it is she who is shocked, and then horrified, as it is revealed that her father, the king’s mortal enemy, has betrothed her to a powerful noble, a deal that could jeopardize the king’s efforts to unite Scotland. Robert Bruce orders Sir Thomas to escort Alesone to safety. As they embark on a harrowing journey through the Highlands, Alesone tries to ignore her attraction to the intimidating warrior, but as she burns beneath Thomas’s kiss she realizes this fearless knight could steal her heart.

      Also by Diana Cosby

      The Forbidden Series

      Forbidden Legacy

      The Oath Trilogy

      An Oath Sworn

      An Oath Broken

      An Oath Taken

      MacGruder Brothers Series

      His Enchantment

      His Seduction

      His Destiny

      His Conquest

      His Woman

      His Captive

      Forbidden Knight

      Diana Cosby



      Kensington Publishing Corp.

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      LYRICAL PRESS BOOKS are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp.

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      Copyright © 2017 by Diana Cosby

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      Lyrical Press and Lyrical Press logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.

      First Electronic Edition: June 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-754-7

      eISBN-10: 1-60183-754-2

      When I first began writing, while collecting research books on medieval Scotland, I was blessed to “meet” Donella Mackenzie, who owned a bookstore in Scotland. Over the years our friendship has grown, and I thank her for being a part of this amazing journey. You’re truly a blessing in my life. *Hugs*


      My sincere thanks to Cameron John Morrison and Jody Allen, for answering numerous questions about medieval Scotland and England. I would also like to thank The National Trust for Scotland, which acts as guardian of Scotland’s magnificent heritage of architectural, scenic and historic treasures. In addition, I am thankful for the immense support from my husband, parents, family, and friends. My deepest wish is that everyone is as blessed when they pursue their dreams.

      My sincere thanks to my editor, Esi Sogah; my agent, Holly Root; my production editor, Rebecca Cremonese; and my critique partner, Cindy Nord for helping Thomas and Alesone’s story come to life. A huge thanks to the Roving Lunatics (Mary Beth Shortt and Sandra Hughes), Nancy Bessler, and The Wild Writers for their friendship and support over the years!

      A very special thanks to Sulay Hernandez for believing in me from the start.

      Chapter One

      Scotland, late fall, 1307

      Wind sharp with the edge of winter battered Alesone MacNiven as she ducked beneath the thick limb of an oak. She scanned the surrounding trees, her body aching with exhaustion after two days of hard travel.

      Withered brown leaves scraped across the snow-smeared ground like harbingers of death. She shuddered, damned the images haunting her. Though she hadna seen Comyn’s men since last night, his knights hadna given up their search for her.

      Fingers trembling, she withdrew the ring from a hidden pocket inside her cape. A snowflake settled upon the ruby embraced by the gold filigree carving of a lion.

      “Give this to King Robert,” Grisel Bucahn rasped. “Tell him—” A cough wracked her body.

      “Dinna try to talk,” Alesone pleaded to the woman who’d raised her.

      Her beloved mentor placed the ring in Alesone’s palm, curled her fingers over the circlet. “Lo-long ago I saved Robert Bruce’s life. He said if ever I had need of his assistance, to bring him this ring. ’Tis too late for me, but he will protect you.”


      “Our enemy returns any moment. Go!”

      Tears burning her eyes, Alesone hugged Grisel, slipped the ring into her pocket, and fled.

      Sunlight shimmered off the ruby as if to mock her heartbreak. Fingers trembling, Alesone stowed the ring. Aye, the bastards would pay!

      After taking a drink, she secured her water pouch, shifted the bow hung on her shoulder, and continued on. Beyond the stand of fir and oak, a field came into view. She kept to the woods. As much as she needed to put distance between herself and her pursuers, ’twas safest to travel beneath cover.

      A pain-filled scream sounded nearby.

      She ducked behind a clump of bushes.


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