Will He Ask Her to be His Bride?: The Millionaire's Convenient Bride / The Millionaire's Proposal / Texas Ranger Takes a Bride. CATHERINE GEORGE

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Will He Ask Her to be His Bride?: The Millionaire's Convenient Bride / The Millionaire's Proposal / Texas Ranger Takes a Bride - CATHERINE  GEORGE

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‘He could have been the same man, but I can’t swear to it.’

      ‘You probably think I’m paranoid on this subject, but I dislike coincidences.’ Connah drained his cup and sat back. ‘Let’s go back to Sam’s time off.’

      Hester shook her head. ‘If Sam feels the same about coincidences, he’ll refuse point-blank to take any.’

      ‘I know, so I won’t bring it up.’ Connah gave her a very direct look as he played his trump card. ‘But if you and I take Lowri on holiday, Hester, we’ll be well away from this mystery man, whoever he is, and Sam could enjoy some R and R with no worries. Lowri would be delighted,’ he added. And her father could spend a great deal more time in Hester’s company than was feasible in Albany Square.

      She returned the look steadily, wondering if he realised how much the idea appealed. ‘Do you normally take Lowri away during her summer vacation?’

      ‘Yes. My mother comes with us.’

      ‘But I was a complete stranger until a few days ago,’ she pointed out, playing devil’s advocate. ‘Are you sure you want me along? Wouldn’t you prefer to be on your own with Lowri?’

      Connah shook his head. ‘Lowri wouldn’t go unless you came too, Hester. You were the main topic of conversation tonight.’

      ‘How boring for you,’ she said lightly. ‘More coffee?’

      ‘Thank you.’ Connah sat back with his refilled cup, his eyes on Hester’s face. ‘So will you come?’

      Of course she would. Anywhere. ‘Do you have somewhere in mind?’

      ‘Italy. A friend of mine owns a villa in Chianti country in Tuscany. I’ll have a chat with him and hope by some miracle that the house is free for a couple of weeks. It’s a picturesque place, with terraced gardens and a pool with a view. Lowri would love it.’

      Me too, thought Hester. After the South of France fiasco, a holiday in Tuscany with Connah and Lowri was the stuff of dreams. ‘It sounds idyllic.’

      ‘Then you agree,’ Connah said with satisfaction. ‘You own a current passport?’

      ‘Of course. Does Lowri know about this?’

      He shook his head. ‘I consulted you first. No point in getting her hopes up if you refused to come.’

      As if! ‘You engaged me to work for you for six weeks,’ said Hester, smiling, ‘but you didn’t specify where, so I have no right to refuse—even if I wanted to, which I don’t. Thank you. I’d love to come.’

      ‘Good. That’s settled, then. I’ll talk to Jay.’ Connah got up and went over to the drinks tray. ‘How about a nightcap first?’

      Hester got up quickly. ‘I won’t, thanks.’

      He swung round to face her. ‘Of course, I forgot. You rushed back to see a film.’

      ‘Yes,’ she agreed. ‘I can still catch most of it.’

      Connah walked to the door and opened it for her. ‘Goodnight, Hester. Not a word to Lowri in the morning about the holiday, in case it doesn’t come off. And if it does I’d like to break the glad news to her myself.’

      ‘Of course. Goodnight.’ Hester went slowly up to her room, wishing she could have stayed talking to Connah for a while. But she was attracted to him so strongly it was getting harder and harder to hide the fact from him. And because he also paid her salary it was necessary to keep to a strictly professional level of employer and employee between them. Not that Connah had the least idea that she thought of their relationship in any other light. And resisting the temptation of a tête-à-tête with him at this time of the night had been one way of making sure he kept thinking that way.


      LOWRI was so enraptured with the idea of a holiday which included Hester, she talked non-stop over the breakfast her father shared with her at the kitchen table for once to tell her that his friend, Jay Anderson, was happy for them to stay at his villa in Tuscany, not just for a fortnight but for a whole month. Four whole weeks, thought Hester.

      ‘Can Hester take me shopping again before we go, Daddy?’ Lowri demanded, after a pause to draw breath.

      He smiled and ruffled her hair. ‘You didn’t buy enough clothes last time?’

      ‘Hester didn’t buy me a new swimming costume!’

      ‘How remiss of you, Hester,’ said Connah dryly. ‘In that case, you two can raid the shops again today with Sam while I take a trip to Bryn Derwen to tell my mother what’s happening.’

      Lowri looked worried. ‘Shouldn’t I go too?’

      ‘Not this time. We’ll visit her when we get back.’

      ‘Hester too, so I can take her to see Alice and Owen.’

      Connah ruffled his daughter’s hair. ‘After a holiday chasing after you in Tuscany. Hester will be glad of a break. Besides,’ he added, ‘she’ll want to visit her own mother as soon as she gets back from Italy.’

      Which could mean that he didn’t want her to visit his, thought Hester, trying not to feel hurt. ‘Then when you get back from Grandma’s, Lowri,’ she said briskly, ‘we’ll be busy getting you ready for school before I leave.’

      Lowri’s face fell. ‘Then I suppose you’ll be someone else’s housekeeper.’

      Hester avoided Connah’s eyes. ‘I have another job to go to, yes.’

      ‘Where is your next post, Hester?’ asked Connah.


      Lowri’s mouth drooped. ‘Is that too far to come home on your day off?’

      ‘I’m afraid so,’ said Hester with regret.

      Lowri brightened. ‘But when you come home to see your mother and Robert, couldn’t you do it at half-term? Then you could see me too.’

      ‘You’ll be spending next half-term with your grandma,’ Hester reminded her.

      ‘True,’ said Connah, and got up. ‘But you’re welcome to visit Lowri there any time you fancy a trip into Wales during the school holiday, Hester.’

      She thanked him politely, sure that this was merely a courtesy to soothe his disconsolate daughter. ‘I’ll just clear away, then we’ll get ready to go shopping, Lowri.’

      ‘And I,’ said Connah, pulling his daughter to her feet to hug her, ‘must be off on my travels to get to Bryn Derwen in time for lunch.’

      ‘Are you coming home again today?’ demanded Lowri.

      ‘Yes,’ he assured her, ‘but not before your bedtime. If you’re asleep, I’ll see you in the morning. Now, give me a kiss, then you run upstairs and tidy your room while Hester finishes down here.’


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