A Venetian Affair: A Venetian Passion / In the Venetian's Bed / A Family For Keeps. CATHERINE GEORGE

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A Venetian Affair: A Venetian Passion / In the Venetian's Bed / A Family For Keeps - CATHERINE  GEORGE

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figure came striding towards her.

      ‘Laura! Is something wrong?’ demanded Edward Lassiter.

      Not with me, she thought glumly. ‘I’m fine. I’m just here with someone.’

      His hazel eyes studied her face closely. ‘Your face has healed well. It was a hell of a shock to see you covered in contusions.’

      ‘It was to me, too,’ she said dryly.

      ‘Could we meet for a drink some time?’ he asked in an undertone, but before Laura could answer his name was called urgently. ‘I’ll be in touch,’ he promised as he hurried away.

      When Laura got back to Abby it wrung her heart to see her lively, clever young sister lying like a marble effigy in the bed. ‘Hi,’ she said, more cheerfully than she felt. ‘How do you feel?’

      ‘Not so hot.’ Abby tried to smile. ‘But at least I don’t need a surgical procedure. They’re giving me some drug. I’ll be discharged this evening at the latest.’

      ‘That’s good.’

      ‘Have you rung Ma?’

      ‘Yes. She’s on her way.’

      ‘Oh, God!’ The amber eyes shut tight in anguish for a moment then opened to look straight into Laura’s. ‘I didn’t do anything to make this happen, but I wanted to. I came to ask you how to get a termination.’

      Laura went cold. ‘Not something I’m clued up about, I’m afraid.’

      Abby swallowed hard. ‘A good thing nature did it for me, then. I was up at the crack of dawn to walk to Chepstow to catch the London coach, but I was in the underground from Victoria when I started getting these awful cramps. I thought maybe the pregnancy test was wrong and it was just the usual thing. But on the way to the flat I realised it was more than that and I really panicked, thinking I’d never make it before…’ She dissolved into bitter, painful sobs, and Laura bent to kiss her as she mopped her up.

      ‘Don’t, love. You got to me in time, thank God.’

      ‘And you just took over without a fuss.’ Abby sniffed hard. ‘You were great, sis. Thank you.’

      Laura braced herself. ‘Can I ask who’s responsible?’

      ‘I am.’ The drawn young face turned mulish. ‘I made a big mistake.’

      ‘It takes two, love.’

      ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ Tears started again, and Laura patted her sister’s hand reassuringly.

      ‘I’ll go back to wait for Mother, and then we’ll both come to collect you later. Are you all right with that?’

      Abby nodded miserably. ‘Sorry I made such a mess of things.’

      ‘Don’t think like that.’ Laura gave her sister a fierce look. ‘Now, listen to me, Abigail Green. You put this behind you, go off to Trinity next month, and just get on with your life.’

      Domenico rang as Laura was letting herself into the flat. ‘How are you, tesoro?’

      ‘I’m fine,’ she assured him, wishing she could let him into Abby’s sad little secret. ‘How are you?’

      ‘I am well, but you sound tired, amore.’

      ‘I’ve had things to do. Mother and Abby will be with me soon for a visit,’ said Laura, needing to tell him at least part of the truth.

      ‘You will enjoy that. Please give your mother my regards. Even on such brief acquaintance I find her most simpatica.’

      ‘You’ve hardly known me any longer.’

      ‘Long enough to know that you and I are meant for each other. Per sempre,’ he added, in a tone that buckled her knees.


      ‘Yes, Laura, forever. When you come to me I shall take great pleasure in convincing you of this!’

      Later that night, after Abby had been settled in bed at the flat, Laura ordered her exhausted, wrung-out mother to sit still while she made supper. ‘Just sit there on the sofa and I’ll wait on you.’

      ‘That’s very sweet of you, darling, but I don’t feel very hungry.’

      ‘I know, but you must eat something,’ said Laura firmly. ‘Abby’s agreed to some soup, and I’ll whip up a couple of my special omelettes.’

      Isabel straightened her shoulders. ‘You’re right. I’ll need all the energy I can get when I go home. Abby will heal quickly enough physically, but I’ll have to watch that she gets over it mentally, too.’

      ‘University will help with that.’

      ‘Practical Laura, as always! And thank God you are, darling. This can’t have been a pleasant experience for you.’

      ‘It was a lot worse for Abby.’ Laura shook her head in wonder. ‘She hiked to Chepstow to catch the London coach this morning.’

      ‘Over three miles in that condition! And I thought she was off to the Kents for a day out with Rachel.’ Isabel looked at Laura in despair. ‘Why didn’t she tell me what was wrong?’

      ‘Look at it from her point of view,’ said Laura gently. ‘Up to now Abby’s been the perfect daughter, never a moment’s trouble of any kind. Then this happened. She obviously felt she’d ruined your life as well as hers.’

      ‘I can see your point,’ sighed Isabel. ‘But what on earth made her trek all the way to London to see you?’

      ‘She wanted my support,’ said Laura, sparing her mother the real reason. She frowned. ‘I haven’t heard about any boyfriend. I asked who was responsible but she wouldn’t say. Any ideas?’

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