The Cowboy's Return. Susan Crosby

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The Cowboy's Return - Susan Crosby

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Marissa he knew had never wanted kids—although he didn’t learn that until after the wedding. “She’ll have four, then?”

      “Five. She has a daughter younger than Ben.”

      He realized Annie was watching him for a reaction. “Well, good for her.”

      She’d stacked cookies on a plate and poured milk for all of them. He picked up two glasses and headed to the living room. From that point, the evening was more subdued. Austin showered and went to bed when told. Annie went next.

      Mitch couldn’t deal with being within hearing range of her showering, so he went outside and sat on the glider. Bo came along, abandoning Austin’s bed when he heard the front door open.

      The quiet night washed over Mitch in soothing waves. It wasn’t quite dark yet. The sun had set but the sky held a tinge of orange and purple. It would fade soon, too soon. He’d always loved summer evenings, the welcome cooling after a long day of being out in the sun.

      She’d created a home. He understood why she was fighting so hard to keep it. He had a house he’d hadn’t seen in three years, one he’d helped build and he’d missed it like crazy, but he’d figured he would appreciate it even more when he came back. Now he had a hankering to see it again, to sleep in his own bed.

      He must have made a noise because Bo whined then set his head in Mitch’s lap as if sympathetic. He hadn’t felt homesick while he was in Argentina, just sick with grief, which had lessened in time, and guilt, which hadn’t.

      He’d been able to set aside his anger and disappointment when his marriage ended after a much shorter period of time, and had barely thought about Marissa for years. Now here she was, back in Red Valley, mother of three and pregnant with twins. He’d never known someone could change to the degree she had. Not even close.

      Bo hopped up a moment before the door opened and Annie came out. Mitch stood, offering the glider to her.

      She waved him off. “I just wanted to say good night.”

      “Night.” He couldn’t get rid of the image of her crying because he’d played with her son. She might be strong, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel the same things every mother felt.

      She didn’t move.

      “Something wrong?” he asked.

      “I’ve been considering asking Austin to keep your secret.”

      Mitch moved toward her. “I appreciate that, but I don’t want to ask him to lie.”

      “He wouldn’t be lying, just not talking about you. There’s a difference.”

      “Why would you do that, Annie?”

      “Because I trust you. I think you must have good reasons for keeping your identity a secret.”

      “For the moment. Not forever.”

      “I understand that. I think we can enlist Austin for a short time.”

      Mitch considered it, but not for long. “I’m willing to let fate have her way.”

      “Fate’s a she?”

      “Isn’t she? The three goddesses of mythology, if I recall ninth-grade English correctly. Anyway, we all know women control human destiny.”

      “We do?”

      “Oh, yeah.”

      “Are you thinking about Marissa?”

      “Not at all. Just life in general. From my experience, anyway. In relationships, women lead the way, therefore have control.”

      She leaned against the doorjamb and crossed her arms. “I’m going to take a stab at this—you have trust issues.”

      “I—” Did he? He’d known Marissa for years before they got married, and she’d been hiding her dreams and desires all that time, not cluing him in on the important issues a couple should settle before they marry. “Maybe I do. How about you?”

      “No, although I’m careful. I’m too tired to have issues of any kind.” She smiled in a way that touched his heart, then she patted his chest lightly and went indoors.

      He put a hand where hers had been.

      He wanted to believe her, that she didn’t have issues, but it couldn’t possibly be true. He hadn’t met a woman who didn’t harbor secrets about herself. They always revealed themselves in time. Which hadn’t stopped him from enjoying their company, but had stopped him from letting himself become involved in what might be considered a real relationship.

      He wasn’t giving up half of what he’d built ever again. Once burned, twice shy, that was his touchstone.

      Mitch snapped his fingers at Bo to go inside with him. A shower would feel good. A back rub would feel better.

      Spending some quality time with Annie in bed would be perfect.

      And tomorrow they would be alone for a few hours.

      Also tomorrow the truth about him might be revealed.

      Maybe it was just all meant to be.

       Chapter Five

      Annie had been dirty before, filthy even, but never from head to toe like today. They’d dug trenches, tested water lines, redug and retested, delaying going inside for lunch until they were done with the messy, muddy work. Austin had been allowed not to dig, but sent to pick blueberries to give to Marissa as a thank-you gift. He’d made himself a sandwich and was ready to go.

      “They’re here!” he called out, racing to the greenhouse. “They’re coming up the drive.”

      Annie didn’t even attempt to brush herself off. She would’ve only been rubbing the muck in deeper.

      “Come meet my friend,” Austin said to Mitch, who exchanged a look with Annie before answering.

      “Another time, bud. I need to stem this leak before we create a sinkhole.”

      Austin frowned. “But—”

      “Ben will be back,” Annie said as Mitch went deeper into the tunnel, out of anyone’s line of vision from the driveway.

      “When they bring me home, okay, Mitch?”

      “We’ll see.”

      “They’re waiting, honey,” Annie said, urging her son toward the car.

      “Well, aren’t you a glamour shot waiting to happen,” Marissa said, laughing, as Annie came up to her window.

      “You think?” Annie held out her shirt like a tutu and curtsied. “I left my tiara in the safe.”

      Questions about Mitch crowded Annie’s thoughts. She couldn’t ask them, not

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