Effortless. Lynn Montagano

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Effortless - Lynn  Montagano

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throaty laugh filled my office. “I called your parents last weekend and told them my intentions. I also made them promise not to say anything to you. Your mum is quite excitable.”

      “Alastair Reid Holden.” I shoved him playfully. “You are sneaky.”

      A glowing smile brightened his entire face, melting my heart. “You know you love me anyway.”

      “I do.” I kissed him hard, hooking my arms around his waist.

      “Now that we have this settled, there’s one more bit I have to tell you.”


      Dread consumed his expression so subtly I almost missed it. “My aunt wants us to go to the house on Sunday for brunch with her, Jason and my grandfather.” He scowled. “They’re not taking ‘no’ for an answer.”

      His body stiffened in my arms until he became almost statuesque. Never in my life had I seen someone grow so agitated over the thought of spending time with their family. After all, these people did take him in when his parents and sister died and provided for him. His cold reaction to their generosity didn’t sit well with me.

      “Brunch with your family sounds like a good idea to me. I didn’t get to spend much time with them at the garden party and—”

      “We won’t stay long. We’ll eat and then leave.”

      “Stop with the interrupting. I’m not saying we have to move in with them but it would be nice if I had the chance to spend more than two minutes with your aunt and uncle. I’d really like to get to know them.”

      Alastair backed away and ran both hands through his hair. I knew that meant he was over this conversation. “You’ve made a fair point, Amelia.” His frigid stare chilled my blood. “But I’m only doing this because of how I feel about you. It’s not for them.”

      Thoughts swirled through my brain, trying to figure out a way to make this visit at least tolerable for him. “Just think how happy your aunt will be to spend time with you.”

      Narrowing his brows so the little patch of skin between them wrinkled, he sighed. “You’re right again. How do you do that?”

      “You forget that I know the truth about you, chief. You’re nothing but a big ‘ol softie underneath all those scowls and icy stares.”

      “I see.” He ran a finger along his lips. What that little movement did to me. My. God. “About that second thing on my mind.” In an instant he had me caged against the door. I gasped, not from his searing kiss but from the blind sticking in my ass.

      “Alastair, stop. There’s a piece of plastic in my butt.”

      Amused, he let me go, craning his head to see the offending material. “Not a fan of that then?”

      “Not particularly,” I deadpanned. Grabbing my belongings I led him through the now quiet newsroom towards the elevator bank. Out in the hallway, he walked in front of me. I got a nice eyeful of the way he moved with such fluid control. I caught his eye when I hit the call button. A second later he was on me, his hands holding my face as he kissed me unapologetically. My mind scrambled and drifted to that amazing place it went when we were lost in each other. Not seeing him for a few days enhanced the steady ache that grew at my core. My skin reveled in his firm grasps, warming quickly the more he touched me. We stumbled closer to the wall.

      “What if someone walks by?” I asked between kisses.

      A loud tone sounded signaling the elevator’s arrival. We barely pulled away from one another in time to walk in. Thank goodness nobody else was in there because as soon as the doors closed Alastair had me pinned in the corner and curled my right leg around his hip.

      “I hated being away from you,” he said, cupping my backside. The way his lips glided over mine with such love and passion made me lose all sense of time and space. “My Lia,” he whispered, pushing my skirt up. “What you do to me.”

      Our interlude was rudely interrupted by the elevator’s annoying tone yet again, signaling we’d arrived at the lobby. Alastair grinned and ran a hand through his disheveled hair, looking pristine and perfect and not like he’d just been making out in an elevator. I must have looked a mess but really didn’t care.

      The doors swished open and in walked none other than Brent Garrison. Embarrassed, I glanced at the digital display and saw we weren’t at the lobby but on the fifth floor. I smoothed my skirt down to make sure I was covered.

      Brent looked at me, then Alastair and smiled. “This is unexpected.”

      “Garrison,” Alastair muttered.

      “I was just talking to your lovely girlfriend earlier,” he said, ignoring Alastair’s tone. “I’m having a few friends over tonight. I’ve already extended the invitation to Lia. Has she told you?”

      I noticed Brent kept the ‘doors open’ button pressed as he spoke. Alastair aimed a suspicious gaze in his direction.

      “Thanks for holding the—” Stephanie trotted in breathless and stopped short. She looked from Brent to Alastair to me and remained silent.

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