His Holiday Matchmaker. Kat Brookes

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His Holiday Matchmaker - Kat  Brookes

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man who had been running a nearby table saw walked over to where she stood by the door. He was wearing safety goggles, his dark, wavy hair brushing over the top of them. His height caused her to crane her neck as he stopped in front of her.

      “Can I help you?”

      “I’m Alyssa McCall.”

      Shoving the safety goggles off his face and onto his head, he studied her with a widening grin. “The interior designer?”

      “That’s what I have my degree in, but I also teach art classes to children at a recreation center in San Antonio, which is where I’m from. It’s a job I enjoy immensely.”

      His gaze moved over her in an assessing manner. “When my brother told me you’d be joining us sometime this morning, he conveniently left off the part about your being...”

      “My being what?”

      He glanced toward the other workers before saying, his voice low, “Not old.”

      She stiffened at his response. “I can assure you I have plenty of design experience.”

      “I’m not doubting your skill,” he said apologetically. “Let’s try this again.” Pulling off his leather work gloves, he extended a hand. “Carter Cooper. Co-owner of Cooper Construction. Welcome to the crew.”

      She took the offered hand. “Thank you.”

      His dark brow lifted. “Your hand’s as cold as ice.”

      “I know. The walk here was a little chillier than I expected,” she admitted.

      “You walked here from the boardinghouse? It’s clear on the other side of town.”

      She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his stunned reaction. The walk hadn’t been all that far. Not for someone who was used to walking nearly everywhere she went. The problem was having been underdressed for the inclement weather.

      “I did,” she replied. “Your brother sent me in here to warm up by the space heater.”

      “And here I am talking your ear off,” he muttered with a frown. “Back to work,” he hollered to the other workers. “Come on,” he told her. “The space heater’s over here.”

      She trailed after him, grateful when she felt the warmth from the portable heater start to curl around her. “So what exactly did your brother tell you about my being here?” she asked as she leaned in, shoving her hands closer to the heat.

      He smiled. “He mentioned you’d be stopping by today.”

      “Much to his dismay, I’m sure,” she murmured as the chill began to ease from her shivering limbs.

      His husky chuckle filled the air. “Try not to take it personally, Miss McCall.”

      “It’s a little hard not to,” she said. “Your brother was all smiles and politeness when we first met, but the second he found out I was gonna be helping with the interior design portion of the recreation center, his demeanor toward me did a complete one-eighty.”

      “I’ll talk to him,” he assured her with a kind smile.

      “I’d appreciate it. I truly do want the same thing you all do,” Alyssa said. “To help give this town back some of what it lost in that storm.”

      “Miss McCall!” The high-pitched shriek echoed off the unpainted walls.

      Alyssa glanced back over her shoulder to see Katie Cooper hurrying in her direction, the little girl’s limp slightly more pronounced than it had been the evening before. “Katie,” she said with a smile. “What a surprise finding you here this morning.”

      “Daddy just told me you were here. He had to bring me to work with him today.”

      “He did?” she said in surprise. “Is your mommy sick?”

      “No,” she replied, her beautiful smile sagging. “She went to Heaven with Grammy and Pappy.”

      Alyssa’s heart wrenched. She’d assumed the day before that her father was divorced. Not for a second had she ever considered the possibility that he was widowed. Not at his age. She couldn’t manage any kind of response. How could she when she had no idea what to say? Instead, she offered up a silent prayer for the Lord to watch over this dear, sweet, motherless child. And her father, as well.

      “Hey, Katydid,” Carter said from behind Alyssa, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “How would you like to give Miss McCall here a tour around the rec center?”

      The little girl’s face lit up once again. “Sure!”

      Alyssa flashed him a grateful smile for saving the moment. Her heart ached for Katie. So very young to have lost her mother.

      “You can hang your coat over there,” Katie said. Her earlier bright smile back in place.

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