How to become rich or to be a housekeeper. Helena Zelenina

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How to become rich or to be a housekeeper - Helena Zelenina

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lena Zelenina

      How To Become A Rich Housekeeper

      To become rich or to be a housekeeper…

      “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”

Dale Carnegie

      To become a rich housekeeper is just three words but I put huge sense in them. Many people think of housekeepers as women who forgot about their being long time ago and are entirely occupied with care of children and family, and yes, of course, in an old washed-off dressing gown, worn-out slippers and with hair-rollers on their head…

      Times changed, housekeepers changed too. I can say proudly that I am a professional housekeeper on my belief. Sometimes interesting things happen with me when I am presented to the strangers. It is always interesting to know a sphere in which your interlocutor works, and when I say that I am a housekeeper I see bewilderment on many faces, and to relief the tension I continue: - A rich housekeeper! But nothing changes…

      My goal is to tell you about what meanings I put in the concept of housekeeper.

      A housekeeper is a person who:

      1. Belongs to herself

      2. Plans her time

      3. Self-improves

      4. Harmoniously develops

      5. Takes care of her health and appearance

      6. Has her own private space

      7. Is financially independent

      8. Chooses holidays at any time

      9. Has an opportunity to have all the opportunities

      10. Can afford her many things

      11. Is married or alone

      12. Has children or is planning to have them

      13. Has an opportunity to be with her family not only when she needs it

      14. Reaches her children’s knowledge

      15. Is amicable

      I can continue this long list but I think many of you want to become such a person even just now. It’s not difficult, and I’ll try to state everything simply. And the most important thing is that it must help you, my future rich housekeepers.

      I never wanted to be a housekeeper, but when I married a new world was opened before me – the world of family life. I wanted my husband be satisfied with me. I kept the house in ideal order, prepared refined dishes, planted flowers, sewed curtains, and made the house comfortable… There is no need to tell you about it because each woman adoring her husband does all these things. With the advent of the first-born you are lack of time. No matter how you try, it is impossible to have time to do everything you did. Three years dreamily – tiredness, hunger for sleeping, eating normally and losing weight faster.

      At that time there was nobody close who could advise me. My husband is a wonderful person but he couldn’t help me because he worked to provide us with everything we needed. I am grateful to him. He allowed me to enjoy maternity.

      Soon the child goes to kindergarten. Adaptation, illnesses, visits for doctors seemed to have no end. Moreover, it was practically impossible to find a job because the child was small. And in those moments I began to think what a woman, who must to sit at home with her child some time, should do if she has no help, no work, and no relatives. At that time I felt very sorry because I couldn’t read anything useful – there was nothing to read, nobody wrote a book about the ways of earning money for housekeepers.

      Fifteen years passed and I wrote a book to help women, to give them not just an advice but real advice! In fifteen years I got big experience and my first advice – order in everything.

      So, let’s pass to our business and will discuss the details later.

      Order and cleaning

      Look over your house and ask yourself whether you know everything here. Can you, for example, find a particular medicine at night, blindly in the dark? It is a simple test but not everybody copes with it. And if you failed it you need to make the first step – to clean the house. May be you thought now how the cleaning is related to money and I say – directly related. I do it once in a month, I mean general cleaning. Everyday cleaning is not discussed at all. Look in every chink, in every corner to see, keep in mind and evaluate everything, to repair broken things, to throw out unneeded things – it’s simple. But the most important thing is documents, you easily should find any document – account, policy, insurance, etc. Any saving of time is future money.

      So, cleaning has been made. That’s good. Now answer the question: How many coats, fur coats, suits, sport clothes, pairs of shoes are there in your wardrobe? You can think I am crazy but it isn’t so. If you want to go towards your aim you should go over your wardrobe again, and I am sure you’ll find this activity interesting. For example, you’ll notice that it’s time to change clothes or find a heap of old shoes which got out of fashion long ago. Also you remember that you didn’t give yourself a treat buying new evening dresses! Good luck! You’ll see how your mood will change!

      Kitchen and dining-room

      My favorite place in the house is the kitchen. Do you still use a knife? In this case you need a food processor!!!! It was a joke, but a food processor is very helpful! How much time does a woman spend in the kitchen? Let’s count ourselves without usage of statistics.

      30 minutes for breakfast, 3 hours for cooking the dinner, 1 hour 30 minutes for good supper with dessert, altogether 5 hours a day multiply on 30 days in a month, receive 150 hours, multiply them on 12 months and receive 1800 hours, so in 10 years in marriage a woman spends 18000 hours in the kitchen, divide it into 24 hours and receive 750 days – so 2 years from 10 a woman spends cooking food. And we know that 1 hour of this activity costs 300 roubles, so we multiply it on 18000 hours and receive 5 400 000 roubles. We could earn this sum of money cooking food if somebody pays you for it, though what was saved is earned. In our case we need to reduce time which we spend in the kitchen because tiredness affects age changes. We don’t want to grow old ahead of time so I tell you what you should have in your kitchen:

      1. A combine

      2. A mixer

      3. A blender

      4. A juicer

      5. A dishwasher (as an ideal variant)

      6. Good knives

      7. Paper towels

      8. Cooking panel

      9. An oven

      10. A microwave oven

      11. A steamer

      12. A coffee machine (for fans of coffee)

      13. A refrigerator with a big freezer

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