Breathless on the Beach. Wendy Etherington

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Breathless on the Beach - Wendy Etherington Mills & Boon Blaze

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everyone else in the sunroom in time to hear Jared suggest a boat ride after dessert. All the guests agreed, and Ruthie insisted Mrs. K and Shelby come along, as well.

      On the way to the dock where the small yacht was anchored, several people complimented Shelby and the housekeeper on the delicious meal. Mrs. K beamed, and Shelby accepted the comments with her usual modest professionalism. Victoria felt certain that even if this weekend did nothing for her or Calla, Shelby would gain new bookings.

      With the sun’s heat fading, and a breeze kicked up by the elegant boat cutting through the waves, the night had turned divine.

      Victoria stood at the stern, watching the wake chop the sea to a frothy tower of white. How long had it been since she’d let her hair tangle as salty wind whipped against her skin?

      Her parents had a place near Rose’s. She rarely came out. She was too busy working, making contacts, bustling around the city. No wonder Jared enjoyed his job so much.

      Not that she’d trade her future corner office for a faceful of sea spray, but she could understand the appeal.

      “Hi, sweetie,” Shelby said as she slid her arm around Victoria’s waist. “Catching a wave?”

      Victoria extended her hand over the side of the boat, felt the cool sprinkle of droplets. “Nearly.”

      Calla bracketed Victoria on the other side. “Any chance we’re going to get you more than fingertip deep in that water?”

      “Yeah.” Victoria tucked her blowing hair behind her ears so she could see her friends. “I might dangle my feet.”

      “In the pool,” Calla added, clearly skeptical.

      Shelby smirked. “Wearing a big hat and a heavy layer of sunscreen.”

      “You’re dissing sunscreen?” Victoria asked.

      “No way,” Shelby said.

      Calla grinned. “Provided the tough, tanned and broad-shouldered Jared McKenna doesn’t use it all up.”

      Shelby’s eyes lit with interest. “He’s quite something, isn’t he?”

      “I was finally in a good mood, I really was,” Victoria lamented, then pointed at Shelby. “And you have a man. Stop lusting after …” She stopped, bit back a curse.

      Fighting the wind, Calla wrangled her long blond locks into a ponytail. “After yours?”

      “Jared isn’t mine,” Victoria insisted.

      Calla leaned in. “But he could be.”

      Despite herself, Victoria was curious how Calla had gleaned that information. “How do you know?”

      “I’ve got eyes,” she said a little too casually. “I see him staring at you.”

      “And you looking back,” Shelby stated.

      The last time her pals had those determined expressions on their faces, Victoria had found herself neck-deep in an undercover sting operation against an unscrupulous retirement-fund swindler. “Are you two going to bug me about this guy all weekend?”

      “Yes,” they answered together.

      “Fine, then. I like him.” Facing her friends, Victoria was careful to keep her voice brisk and not allow her imagination to provide visual aids of the man in question. “He’s smart, strong-willed, resilient and irritating.”

      “And gorgeous,” Calla added, poking Victoria’s arm.

      “I’ve got eyes.” Victoria narrowed hers. “I can see that.”

      “How’s he irritating?” Shelby asked. “I think he’s charming.”

      “He’s … challenging,” Victoria returned, deciding that was the right word to describe the alternating highs of attraction and lows of annoyance she felt in Jared’s presence.

      “You like challenges.” Calla’s attention flicked to a point over Victoria’s shoulder. “Don’t you?” she asked, her voice louder.

      What was with her? “Sure, but …” Victoria glanced behind her.

      Where Jared stood.

      Her heart stopped—and not just because she was curious about who might be steering the boat. “How long have you been there?”

      He looked thoughtful. “Let me think….” Then he gave her a broad smile. “You like me.”

      Victoria whirled to her friends and hoped her glare scorched them on the spot.

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